Comment history

pablojay says...

What i also found disheartening was that the PM had a national audience and my fellow
bloggers seemed to miss it too, was that there was no mention of the HMBS Flamingo!

pablojay says...

The only thing that i can say about this it that Giavano must have inherited some of his
mother's ways due to the fact that his response was to go to the media . I say this because
with a father on dialysis, who tells the doctor that he is not taking off his "effin" shoes,comes
back the next day with the same attitude, then Giavano's response should have been,at
minimum to return with a cutlass.

pablojay says...

Hey Birdie! We finally agree on something! Over thirty years ago , when it was time for my wife
to have our first child,living in Freeport,we had some concerns about the Rand and especially
with both of our families residing in Nassau.It was an easy decision to send her there for the
birth of our child,despite Florida being closer and the fact that we both had relatives living there.
It gets under my skin when i see Bahamian parents sticking out there chests and proudly
proclaiming," Well you know my kids are U.S. citizens!"

On Planning giving birth in US? Think again

Posted 24 January 2020, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Think nothing of it"CatislandBoy",Austin Knowles Jr. offered one of my family members a
refrigerator to vote PLP. Just politics.There are hundreds more who can recall similar
instances. Nothing unique about that at all.

On Bahamians named in New Year Honours

Posted 30 December 2019, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

A former prison officer once told me many years ago that the only time that the prison would
become deathly quiet was when they were testing the gallows trap door.

On ‘Blame game won’t stop the violence’

Posted 17 December 2019, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Mudda, your mother probably took sick when she brought you into this world and i don't know
if you were sick then, but you definitely are now.

pablojay says...

Condolences to Mr.Johnson's family and may his soul R.I.P. I see why many readers now say
that The Tribune lacks investigative reporting. Long before the advent of the webshops,the age
old question when a person died was,"how old was he/she?"

pablojay says...

Whomever is in charge must now ensure that those buses must have a carbon monoxide gas
monitor installed at all times.

pablojay says...

Spot on Geo. My sentiments exactly!

On Minimum wage rise ‘not anytime soon’

Posted 15 August 2019, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

This is a sad case of "however much things change, they remain the same." I worked for
Pepsi in the early seventies and we were plagued by power cuts then, affecting our
business.An American part owner had just come from Florida to check on his investment and
spend a week with his friends here and said that after telling his grandson that he was going
away, he asked him to buy a Micky Mouse outfit for him. His reply in 1972 to his grandson was that he would buy B.E.C. for him. If that conversation were to happen today, the only difference would be to replace B.E.C with B.P.L.