This is a sad case of "however much things change, they remain the same." I worked for Pepsi in the early seventies and we were plagued by power cuts then, affecting our business.An American part owner had just come from Florida to check on his investment and spend a week with his friends here and said that after telling his grandson that he was going away, he asked him to buy a Micky Mouse outfit for him. His reply in 1972 to his grandson was that he would buy B.E.C. for him. If that conversation were to happen today, the only difference would be to replace B.E.C with B.P.L.
On every occasion that i take my family for a drive to West End,Grand Bahama,i see divers at the bayside cleaning conch, taken from their boats, in small coolers ,because the shells were much too small to bring ashore.Some of those conchs were so small that the average man could close his hand with two or three conchs in it ask and you to guess what is in his hand.
On every occasion that i take my family for a drive to West End,Grand Bahama,i see divers at the bayside cleaning conch, taken from their boats, in small coolers ,because the shells were much too small to bring ashore.Some of those conchs were so small that the average man could close his hand with two or three conchs in it ask you to guess what is in his hand.
@truebahamian. You are obviously not a fan of athletics, ,even those of your native country. The Chris Brown of the above article is an internationally known Bahamian Olympic gold medal winner. Google Bahamian Chris Brown and see what you come up with.Incidentally i also know the marine pilots .
Therein lies the problem, carrying dangerous weapons on your person,be they knives or guns.In the old days when friends had an argument, I little pushing or 'dashing' and other friends intervening, in fives minutes everything was back to normal.
I am all for your foolishness Damian, you are a QC,go for it. Just remember that your skin is lighter than mine and your hair better, so i expect to receive more than you.
We don't know for sure, but one thing I do know is that it is difficult to get most Bahamians to swim in water that we consider 'dirty' and most rivers are not clear enough to our liking.
We talk about majority rule and all the good things that it brought , but they are mostly material things, which seem to be all that matters nowadays.However I long for the good old days, when , if a murder occurred,we talked about it for weeks on end. I have to add that my late father used to require our assistance , he was a welder and blacksmith, in making 'bars' as we called them at the time. You see at that time, 'bars' were installed around windows and wrought iron doors were made for places like "Vickies" and "Ceddys", the former a house of prostitution and the latter a gambling house, for the sole purpose of keeping the police out. Burglar bars came later.
pablojay says...
This is a sad case of "however much things change, they remain the same." I worked for
Pepsi in the early seventies and we were plagued by power cuts then, affecting our
business.An American part owner had just come from Florida to check on his investment and
spend a week with his friends here and said that after telling his grandson that he was going
away, he asked him to buy a Micky Mouse outfit for him. His reply in 1972 to his grandson was that he would buy B.E.C. for him. If that conversation were to happen today, the only difference would be to replace B.E.C with B.P.L.
On Falling short: Minnis addresses power crisis - but blackouts go on
Posted 15 August 2019, 9:13 a.m. Suggest removal
pablojay says...
On every occasion that i take my family for a drive to West End,Grand Bahama,i see divers at the bayside cleaning conch, taken from their boats, in small coolers ,because the shells were
much too small to bring ashore.Some of those conchs were so small that the average man
could close his hand with two or three conchs in it ask and you to guess what is in his hand.
On EDITORIAL: Don’t let profit kill our conch
Posted 4 August 2019, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal
pablojay says...
On every occasion that i take my family for a drive to West End,Grand Bahama,i see divers at the bayside cleaning conch, taken from their boats, in small coolers ,because the shells were
much too small to bring ashore.Some of those conchs were so small that the average man
could close his hand with two or three conchs in it ask you to guess what is in his hand.
On EDITORIAL: Don’t let profit kill our conch
Posted 4 August 2019, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal
pablojay says...
@truebahamian. You are obviously not a fan of athletics, ,even those of your native country.
The Chris Brown of the above article is an internationally known Bahamian Olympic gold medal
winner. Google Bahamian Chris Brown and see what you come up with.Incidentally i also know
the marine pilots .
On Chris Brown takes on head coach role at Clayton State University
Posted 14 July 2019, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal
pablojay says...
Therein lies the problem, carrying dangerous weapons on your person,be they knives or guns.In the old days when friends had an argument, I little pushing or 'dashing' and other
friends intervening, in fives minutes everything was back to normal.
On Second twin dies in street knife fight
Posted 12 July 2019, 9:16 a.m. Suggest removal
pablojay says...
I am all for your foolishness Damian, you are a QC,go for it. Just remember that your skin is
lighter than mine and your hair better, so i expect to receive more than you.
On Race conversation 'should start with reparations'
Posted 6 July 2019, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal
pablojay says...
We don't know for sure, but one thing I do know is that it is difficult to get most Bahamians
to swim in water that we consider 'dirty' and most rivers are not clear enough to our liking.
On Autopsies reveal friends drowned
Posted 11 June 2019, 6:21 p.m. Suggest removal
pablojay says...
I wonder if they got the all the ages of those charged right. Kim Smith 57, three months
pregnant,Christina Wilson ,19, possibly pregnant.
On Shootout detainees claim 'cops beat us'
Posted 21 May 2019, 10:41 a.m. Suggest removal
pablojay says...
Just a brief reminder, God works through people, you know , or should know.
On 'Having my student debts paid off was like winning the lottery'
Posted 21 May 2019, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal
pablojay says...
We talk about majority rule and all the good things that it brought , but they are mostly material things, which seem to be all that matters nowadays.However I long for the good old days, when , if a murder occurred,we talked about it for weeks on end. I have to add that my
late father used to require our assistance , he was a welder and blacksmith, in making 'bars'
as we called them at the time. You see at that time, 'bars' were installed around windows and wrought iron doors were made for places like "Vickies" and "Ceddys", the former a house of prostitution and the latter a gambling house, for the sole purpose of keeping the
police out. Burglar bars came later.
On Man gunned to death in Fox Hill
Posted 13 February 2019, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal