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pat242 says...

The Christian Council does not speak for me. I do not care what they have to say. I personally feel use their religious influence to sway votes, confuse people and live off the backs of poor people. They are some of the biggest gangsters in this country and i honestly dont want nothing to do with them.

pat242 says...

I personally feel a Haitian-Bahamian party would not work because persons who wish to represent the Haitian community forget the fact that they are Bahamian citizens. I feel they would further seperate the Bahamian and Haitian comminity by catering mostly to the voices of Haitians rather than the voices of people living in the Bahamas. I feel all persons in this countty should be documented so we can know who is in the country and if someone is not fit to be in the country then deport them. You dont need to be a rocket scientist to come to that conclusion. Bahamians of Haitian decent needs to honestly come to grips that they are Bahamian citizens. So to phocus on a particular group of people and neglect others would be very wrong and inslunting.

pat242 says...

You know what i find interesting, for some human right activist Fred Smith is doing a pretty poor job. I said that because he is not speaking out on other human right infractions that accure in The Bahamas to Bahamians. As of late he bickers about Fred Mitchel and his policies on immiigation but refuses to speak out against Bahamians being second class citizens in their own country, child abuse, domestic violence and others. Its obvious that he is not concerned for the well being of Bahamians and non Bahamians, its a personal attack on Fred Mitchel for doing something that honestly should have been done years ago. The Bahamians cannot be a depot for illegial immigrants.

pat242 says...

It's only a matter or time before V.A.T will be at 15%.

On BEC customers will pay full 7.5% on bills

Posted 28 January 2015, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

The MadHatter. Thats a interesting point. The foreigners get most of the money and top employment while Bahamians work the mediocre jobs and pocket change
. Bahamians needs to be more active financially in their country. This Forigner over Bahamian element has to stop. Bahamians needs to wake up and work together to create opportunitys for themselves and the future generation. If not we will forever be second class citizens in our own country.

pat242 says...

Crime is a back door way to make money. The only people who are benefiting are the Security companies, and the lawyers. The person who lead this country knows how important crime is to their business. They know who the criminals are and the illegal activites they do, but are doing nothing to solve and eliminate the problem. The sad thing is the citizens are the ones who feel the effects of crime and the fear of it. Some members of parliment only know crime exist when one of their relatives are injured, killed or their salaries cut. Both parties needs to take full responsibality for the rise of crime. Both of them use Bahamians for their personal gain. No one is better than the other.

pat242 says...

I see nothing wrong with The Bahamas hosting Carnival. In my opinion its about time. I could understand if the government wants to scrap Junkanoo for Carnival, Then you have a point worth argueing. For those people who have such a negative vibe towards Carnival my question is why ain't you making noise bout the media that plays everything else except Bahamian. The concerts who promote and invest in everything else except Bahamian. i love this country and would hate for Carnival to fail. Why? Bahamians will lose nine million dollars, the independent vendors who is looking to make money to feed their famalies will lose, the hotels and local economy will lose and The Bahamas will look bad internationally. Bahamians need to be openminded. Picture Trinidad invest monies to bring Bahamas Junkanoo to Trinidad and the citizens reject us. Come on Bahamas think logically.

pat242 says...

I have a better idea. Why dont the Prime Minister use his infulance to encurage and propmote the idea of Bahamians and other members of the Carribbean and latan American community to become self sufficient, love and respect one another, use the talants of the country man to improve the mental state of the citizens who reside in these countries. But no. All the Chinese will do is buy their way into your country and take over. How was the citizens really take charge of their country and the economy if it is controled by foreiigners. We need to move beyond that.

On PM to represent CARICOM in China

Posted 5 January 2015, 5:08 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

It is obvious that Dr Hubert Minnis is playing politics with the Bahamian people. He agrees with V.A.T and has no intention to decress or alter anything. This is the same man who spoke out against V.A.T saying it is going to kill the econemy and drive the already poor into povety. Now if he wins he want to alter V.A.T, something is wrong with this picture. Either he is or against V.A.T.

On FNM planning to repeal parts of tax

Posted 5 January 2015, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Bahamians needs to stop adopting this gangster, violent, dont care culture. We need to create a loving atmosphere. Show people that Bahamians can love one another and disagree without being violently disagreeable. You dont need to be a rocket scientist to do that.