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pat242 says...

The Bahamas has a terratory of over one hundred thousand square miles, so yes it is very difficult to police and waters and enforce the maratime law. However when Bahamians see persons selling Nassau Grouper out of season and do nothing they are just as bad those who they accuse of doing nothing to protect the fish. There are agencies that direcly deal with such matters. So the best way to protect the Nassau Grouper and see that they reproduce so that we can enjoy them for many years to come is to contact the revelent authorties and see to it that the persons who catch and sell Nassau Grouper out of season are dealth with. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to do that.

On Praise for government as grouper season closed

Posted 11 December 2014, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Columbus discovered nothing. He meet people here.

On Bahamas flag given a hike up!

Posted 30 November 2014, 11:21 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Law enforcement isn't pretty but the law is the law. Infact when the police locking up offenders I don't see no activist speaking out against the police. These people have a adgender and the new immigrant policy put a stop or slow down to what ever they trying to accomplish. You can't break the law and expect to be treated normal. It is not fair point blank.

pat242 says...

Thisisours. You living in the wrong era. The SS PLP was a election slogan in the 80s. You are taking politics so serious that someone could of gotten seriously hurt or killed, and you are using the incident to make light of an aposeing political entity. How childish, it's about time you grow up.

pat242 says...

Shortpants. Why don't you be fair and speak out against all the persons who use this site to criticize against the government and private sector. The PLP is no different than the FNM. Both parties practice the same old tactics. Analog leadership in a digital world. But SP has a point. Dr. Minnis cannot see the problems the public transportation experiencing if he takes the bus one (1) time. He needs to take a !5 or !9 during school time, then he will really see what Bahamians go through.

pat242 says...

The parents need to Control their children. They do what ever they feel at home and do what ever they feel at school. It is shameful for the police to be placed in schools to babysit children. Bahamians seriously needs to change this lazy, don't care and violent culture that is plaguing society. If not police are going to be in the churches.

pat242 says...

I seriously do not know what Hubert Minnis making noise over. When the F.N.M was in power the Former Prime Minister along with Mr. Minnis was making head way for legalizing the web shops. All of this is noise in the market so the people would lose track of the important issues in the country. P.L.P and the F.N.M are friends, lovers, business partners and family. I know of a certain business where both senior members of the P.L.P and the F.N.M was running operations, and when they decided to abandon the business they left outstanding taxes. So no one is better than the other.

pat242 says...

realityisnotpc. You obviously missed the point or unable to comprehend the article. Read the information carefully before you make bullshit statements. This scheme from National Insurance has been going on for to long and very little noise is being made about it. I would know. If i paid my dues i should receive what is owed to me point blank. A savings account is something totally different. So I am convince you missed the point, so read the article again and if you unable to read i can teach you for a fee than will go towards my retirement fund.

On National Insurance benefits

Posted 12 September 2014, 8:39 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Why do people refuse to address bad parenting as a source of encouraging criminal behavior . I would be a fool to honestly take the word of anyone who thinks they have the answer for crime, when crime is a product of failing family and social development. Not because some one say they will deal with crime means you should sit or lay down and do not do your part. That is unfair and stupid. We as Bahamians should organize ourselves and deal with this problem by reducing this violent atmosphere and creating peace for all. Until it happens we will be prisoners in your homes because of crime.


Posted 9 September 2014, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

The it difference between the PLP and the FNM is the colors the represent. Nothing more and nothing less.

On Minnis brings hope that we can do better

Posted 8 September 2014, 7:44 a.m. Suggest removal