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pat242 says...

SP I can answer that. The police operate on information. The real question is why the people who saw this boat load of immigrants didn't notify the proper authority's. Besides The Bahamas is a huge country mostly water. And it's difficult to find those persons. It's up to Bahamians who see these people coming to inform the police or Defense Force so these people can be captured, and if they somehow land do not hire them. Show these people the only way Haiti can become a stable country is the people needs to organize them selves and make the change. Not us.

On Marijuana worth $2m seized on speedboat

Posted 1 August 2014, 10:35 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Wow. It took many brave men and woman to build this country the way it is and a hand full to destroy it. Hope the residents of Mayaguana organize them selves and assist law enforcement officers to locate that son a bitch to wants to kill this country.

pat242 says...

Thank you Emac for the vote of confidence.

pat242 says...

Define sheeprunner. According the bible these people where Shepards. Where do you get this word from. Please give a definition. And always remember where ever you live, if there's something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call The Police. And never forget it BITCH.

pat242 says...

You live in the deepest part of my ass. I have plenty respect for the nations security forces. If you where called upon to do what they do, you would scream like the ass face you are. infact your profile name says it all. You are a sheep so all you do is follow, sheep's also bleat because they have nothing to say. People like you have nothing but negative things to say, but when faced with a challenge you run with your tail between your legs like scared dogs.

pat242 says...

The nations security forces plays a very important role in this country. They do what most citizens would not do. With out them this nation would be literally finished. They deserve so much and more because of the role they play in society and the risk involved. God bless the brave men and woman who keep this jewel in crown of seven hundred islands safe from those how have no care for the development of the country.

pat242 says...

God bless the brave men and woman of the R.B.P.F.

On Probe ordered into cop's death

Posted 29 July 2014, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Those who refuse to vote have no voice. During the voting, counting and making the decision into law process, the persons who give up their rights to vote should not saw anything because you did not aid in the decision making.

pat242 says...

I wonder why Bahamians are so negative. If it is true that jobs where created thats good. Some people fail to realize many Bahamians are unemployed because they are not qualified for certain jobs and the lower paid jobs are full to the capacity. Instead of nagative Bahamians critizing the government they should work with Bahamians who really need help. Besides some of the locals who think they are up there, remeber there was a time when you did not know what you know now and was looking for some kind of help. So give back to soceity and encurage Bahamians to take back their country through education, loyalty to their country and the love of eath other. Especially the nations youth. If the foreigners can come here and work together to make their living conditions better, why can't Bahamians.

pat242 says...

The Festival Place is indeed a disgrace and something needs to be done. I do not know why some Bahamians love to complain. How can you get the best from the tourist product if the falacities are not up to par. As a local i can say The Festival Place is a shameful view of the nations captial and indeed needs serious work. So for vendors who claim that they do not want to work out of booths, they should think of the bigger picture. Water gushes from the roof and when walking on some parts is almost equlivent to walking on the moon. I would not talk about the rest rooms. In conclusion try work with the conditions the government provideded until the work is finish. It will benefit you, the locals who patranises the local businesses and the tourist.