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pat242 says...

I find it funny that people on this site love to speak negative on most things that goes on in this country. This bill is needed in this country and I fully support it. I have seen where disabled person where denied rights and if is not fair. Anyone can be disabled at anytime. I see why foreigners taking over this country. They are together and Bahamians are not.

On A vote to change the lives of the disabled

Posted 18 July 2014, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

the mere fact that he was on bail and being EM says the police is doing their job......police do not grant bail or control the court system or have any control on morality or how people behave. your police need our support not called a joke.... its not an easy job going up against a man with a Ak47 with the only thing on his mind after marijuana or crack is no reasoning at all. its hard; every day the RBPF deploy YOUR brothers , sisters, aunts uncles, fathers, nieces, nephews, grand mothers, grand fathers, god fathers, god mothers, and1&2&&3&4&5&6&&8&9 cousins all in an effort to fight crime.......... no its no joke and the RBPF is no joke.....crime is destroying the very fabric of the is country ...its all our problem. If there's no RBPF then what do we have?...... Bahamian, Police and Proud and for the record i would rather die for you while doing my job than to ever call you a joke.

pat242 says...

Hubert Minnis should apologize. It is one thing to play petty politics for your advantage, but it is another thing to use a situation where a plane goes missing and people lost their lives as a means of bashing the ruling government. What if your family was on the missing plane would you have the same view. Hundreds or persons and many nations are pooling together their resources to assist in located the plane and the missing persons. So obviously this is a serious matter, besides planes travel through out The Bahamas and i grantee if one goes missing or crashed the citizens and tourist alike will feel uncomfortable. So please do not use a horrible situation as a means of political advantage. Hubert Minnis is dead wrong. What if your family was on that plane. What would it be funny then. Wrong is wrong regardless who says it.

pat242 says...

Hubert Minnis should apologize. It is one thing to play petty politics for your advantage, but it is another thing to use a situation where a plane goes missing and people lost their lives as a means of bashing the ruling government. What if your family was on the missing plane would you have the same view. Hundreds or persons and many nations are pooling together their resources to assist in located the plane and the missing persons. So obviously this is a serious matter, besides planes travel through out The Bahamas and i grantee if one goes missing or crashed the citizens and tourist alike will feel uncomfortable. So please do not use a horrible situation as a means of political advantage. Hubert Minnis is dead wrong. What if your family was on that plane. What would it be funny then. Wrong is wrong regardless who says it.

pat242 says...

Cobalt. You obviously do not keep up with current events. The police, defense force and customs have confiscated many illegal firearms through The Bahamas as of late. I am pleased that the police force have confiscated another firearm and arrested criminals. Who knows if the police didn't arrest those persons you may be a victim of crime involving those criminals and that gun. If you are not assisting law enforcement then shut your mouth.

pat242 says...

And the B.E.C staff where not idiots. They where in fear of their lives and did the right thing by reporting it to the police. If they did not the nation would no know of the incident nor the culprits involve. What if it was you. What would you do.

On Two arrests after attack on BEC staff

Posted 29 March 2014, 12:05 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Sheeprunner12. That is not political abuse of power. The complainants where the B.E.C employees who where held hostage. When this incidents accused the police sent necessary information the B.C.Es management and the media. This is a common practice among public and private sectors. So your statement lacks substance and legitimacy.

On Two arrests after attack on BEC staff

Posted 29 March 2014, 12:02 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Oh and religion should be the back bone of this argument. All religion that i have studied dis like gays and lesbians. Ms Green you cannot have this argument without adding religion. If i debated you i know i would mash you up. Gays and lesbians are quite happy in this country so i do not no what rights you want. If you keep turning right you will find your self going left.

On Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

Posted 28 March 2014, 1:38 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

You know what i find weird. The so call Christian community spoke out against taxing web shops but seems to be taking a back seat approach on this matter. Whats going on, are you guys secretly supporting gays and lesbians. And by the way gays and lesbians have **ALL** entitlements in this country with the exception of one. I do not know of any recent cases where gays and lesbians where rejected of movement, jobs or being accepted in society. If you look there are everywhere in society (yes even in the church and schools). I have seen gays attack each other by a former pool hall located Bay St in the area of a local bank. So it seem to me that they are their own enemy. In the past there where killing each other. So stop making it seems like they are harmless, once the human nature exist anyone can be violent depending on the circumstances. On this same site i have read that a certain homosexual from Freeport, Bahamas wants the government of The Bahamas to amend the constitutions to include gays and lesbians. If that is not forcing your adgender in the faces of The Bahamas and its citizens then what is it. If a gay or lesbian attack me and i make a complaint that my liberty of being a Bahamians citizen was held captive by violence and mental abuse then what. What will you say when straight people complain that gays are being disrespectful especially in public and if a police lock up someone who is gay or lesbian. Will the cry be the police are picking on gays or lesbians. Get real. Everyone in The Bahamas is govern under the Constitution so gay rights does not exist..

On Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

Posted 28 March 2014, 1:15 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

The tribune couldn't not find a better picture than this. Look like someone took the flag out the wrapper and hoist it on the pole without getting the lines out. This the height of professionalism. To make things worse the picture in the internet so that anyone can see it. Come on Tribune do better.

On Life expectancy drops in the Bahamas

Posted 15 March 2014, 6:45 p.m. Suggest removal