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pat242 says...

If the things you say are fact then you are in tittle to your views. However none of that negates the fact that he has gotten where he got. Irregardless to how he may or may not have gotten there. On the other hand, i do not know these things to be fact so for that matter my views remains unchanged. on the intrem if what you claim is so, substantiate your claim with verifiable fact.

On Bahamian runs for US Congress

Posted 13 March 2014, 8:27 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

oh and for you little research project. Sidney Poitier born in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. Xavier Briggs born in Miami. Florida U.S.A, Lenny Kravitz born in New York City, U.S.A and Calvin Turnquest born in The Bahamas. Calvin Turnquest climbed up the American system and about to make history in the political word in the U.S.A.

On Bahamian runs for US Congress

Posted 13 March 2014, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

(proudloudandfnm). Did you know Sidney Poitier was born in the U.S.A but never denounced his Bahamian heritage. Did you also know that in order for him to get a acting gig he had to drop his Bahamian accent and adopt an American way of speaking. But he never denounced his Bahamian heritage. I have lived in Cat Island and know his daughter very well so i am not guessing i no this. Yes legal statues is American, but he was born in the Bahamas and climb the American social, political and racial standings and had the courage to challenge fellow Americans for U.S. congress. That is amazing. Regardless if he is a Democrat or Republican the fact is he went ahead and did it. Who knows this may be a avenue where more Bahamians or persons of Bahamian decent will rise to the occasion and show the world what we have to offer. I bet if that person was your relative you would support him. So do not be a asshole and down your own. This man is a born Bahamian. Bahamian Pride runs in his vain. I hope he becomes successful and you eat the shit out my toilet. You need to get off **Being Negative And Aint Doing Shit Avenue** and go on **Support Your Own Blvd**. The Haitians doing it. What happen to you.

On Bahamian runs for US Congress

Posted 13 March 2014, 5:08 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

(proudloudandfnm) you are nothing but a ass. How can you down one of your own. A Bahamian running for U.S. congress is a good thing. It shows that Bahamians are striving people who are willing to accomplish anything they set their minds to. I hope he does well and succeed and i hope u eat shit.

On Bahamian runs for US Congress

Posted 12 March 2014, 10:04 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

(Thisisours) Do not be bias. Two parties are guilty of this jail and bail cycle. So stop that right there.

On Greenslade blames repeat offenders

Posted 11 March 2014, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Go team Bahamas.

On Brown and Miller win 400m final places

Posted 8 March 2014, 12:58 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

And by the way gay rights does exist. Because every Bahamian is governed under the constitution. I am unaware of any gay or lesbian who is denied access to any public setting. Gays and lesbians hold top, middle and low paying job jobs in this country. So obviously they are all over the place. I have visited a developed city in The Bahamas where gays and lesbians walk about like a pack of wolfs and to me they look happy. No one is harassing nor physically harming they because of the sexual choice they made. The only thing i suspect they want is marriage. I cannot and will not support that. I believe in a family unity where both mother and father work equally to raise children. How can you teach a boy to be a man when two woman going at it. It is confusion and wrong and nasty.

pat242 says...

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On Patterson: I would not support a gay candidate

Posted 8 March 2014, 12:39 a.m.

pat242 says...

Hey duck face bastard. Stop being a asshole. Police officers are people like you and I. Infact I would suspect you have a relative (s) who are police officers, so you have to be understanding in this matter. You claim you where employed at a restaurant business and worked 15 hours. But i am sure anything over 8 hours you where compensated for, but police officers are not compensated and are working extended hours, that is the problem. These people have families like you and i. (Well i cant say because your a duck lol). If there is something strange in your neighbor hood, who you gonna call (the police).

pat242 says...

The FNM wasted just as much as the PLP. No one is better than the other.