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pat242 says...

Why people like this (duck face ass hole) continue to be negative towards persons who is actually doing something about VAT. Instead you give a solution to this matter you cry, bitch, and complain. If you are not willing to contribute something positive for the cause please shut up. I hope these brave men and woman continue to fight against VAT and The Bahamas finds another way to pay off its debt.

pat242 says...

(Duck man) The police cannot be every where. Its is up to the residents of the area to inform the proper authorities so something can be done. The mare fact that you are able to comment on matter concerning persons burning trash on the side of the main road means you where there and did nothing. You are just as bad as the residents who neglect to inform the fire department.

On Blaze breaks out at Fox Hill garbage dump

Posted 24 February 2014, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

A wholesale establishment on Mackey Street has increased its prices without notice. I ask the casher wtf going on. She replied my boss getting ready for VAT. I spoke to the manager and he replied the government have to catch me. I making my money before July. So there is some truth to this claim.

pat242 says...

This clown face bastard have the nerve to call someone else a clown muddo sick. But seriously its a sad incident. But reality is its a convoy with harden criminals. in what country VIPs or criminals are treated lightly. The possibly exist where someone can high jack the prison bus and set the criminals free, and if it does then what. (oh the police aint doing their jobs). I feel more courts should be build on the prison compound. And yes you clown face bastard escorting prisoners back to prison is an emergency. These people did serious crimes against people and should be properly detained as soon as possible to prevent one from escaping to commit other offenses. Who knows the very one who get away may come for you.

pat242 says...

Any other person with the exception of the The Clown I have offended am very sorry.

On March to include effigy of hanged man

Posted 1 February 2014, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

The discussion was never about the police beating people. Your arguments lack substance and you are merely babbling on trying to sound like you have something to say. But sound like you where beat up a lot lol. Where you also sexually molested. In fact i have very little to say to you your profile picture says all. You are are a clown indeed. You lure children to your residence and trick them with treats for sexual favors. When you prepare to speak to the topic hit me up. lol kml Bitch

On March to include effigy of hanged man

Posted 1 February 2014, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

You are clueless. Regardless what implements are set in place reference to traffic matters, people who have little respect tor the law will break them. That happens in every country. And fuck you, when your involve in a accident i will cross my legs, drink some coffee and read about you in the Tribune, and when am done i will use the paper with your face posted as a victim to clean the glass of my vehicle. If i witness the event i will take photos and post it on social media show people to obey the traffic laws or this will be your future.

pat242 says...

Your very vague on the in your statement on the matter. Elaborate or shut the fuck up.

On March to include effigy of hanged man

Posted 1 February 2014, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Name one other demotic country where civilize law enforcement is practice that does not have traffic woes. The police cannot cannot be every where and people who are not law abiding citizens take advantage of that knowledge and break traffic laws. That is not the police fault. If it were preventable the police would with out doubt prevent it. So reference you come with a solution to traffic i suggest you keep quite on the matter.

pat242 says...

(Juggle). You have know knowledge of what goes on in any interview room in any police station. You are simply babbling on with **Physiological Reddit**. So until you have have hard evidence to back up your claim shut the hell up. As far your opinion of the system being slack there is know perfect system anywhere of any profession around the globe. So to take the argument to its logical conclusion many people go the hospital are miss diagnose and are miss treated and as a result much have died. Never the less when you get sick you put your trust and hope in that same system. But know body say do not go to the hospital because the system is broken. If you abandon the medical system the over whelming majority are saved by it will most certainly die. By contras if you abandon the judicial system crime will run rampant and we will be living in a literally wild wild west type of society. So when you become better inform and have more of a realistic view on the topic i suggest you keep quiet.

On March to include effigy of hanged man

Posted 1 February 2014, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal