Comment history

paul_vincent_zecchino says...


paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Thank you for stating truth.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Two hundred years ago, the Haitians got the bright idea to slaughter the French, saying it'd be better to be ruled by the devil than one more day under the French.

Wish granted.

People who get what they want often discover they got what they deserved.
- James Woods

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

SIck, evil, tragic to see the vindictive, genocidal leftist hatred vomited by rich, spoiled-brat American communists infecting our beautiful Bahamas.

This will surely impress people considering visiting, to visit elsewhere.

This is the Left telegraphing its murderous intent. It will do more of it, if the people allow it.

The Left is hate. Revenge is its pastime. Genocide is its legacy.

History tells us, 'first the statues, then the people.' Never forget it. Because it's what communists do.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Bravo! Yes, a thorough genealogical search must be conducted, to identify and locate all descendants of Blackbeard the Pirate, Bluebeard, Fred Beard, and Popeye the Sailor Man.

Tax them, assess, them, fine them and then keelhaul them until they cough up every last tuppence and florin to fund the new wall.

Thanks for the great chuckle. As a regular visitor to Nassau, I well recall when the breakwaters and Arawak Cay were constructed. For all we know, Jimmy Hoffa's buried beneath!

All the best.

On Port: Breakwater woes threaten harbour crisis

Posted 12 November 2020, 11:18 p.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Sage advice born of hard experience from trading with chicoms. Official chicom state policy remains unchanged:

"Use capitalism to build communism to destroy the West."

On US warns Bahamas to be careful of China

Posted 6 December 2019, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Typical Marxist, lying thru his pointy little teeth. More storms such as Dorian? Really? And he knows this, how? He has no way of knowing, does he?

This clown is one of the orchestrators of the Greta Thunberg "you're all going to die" hysterical tour to pimp global warming.

The end game is global tyranny and to blazes with 'saving the planet.'

This old gasbag warns to expect more hurricanes unless what? Let me guess, we must all surrender our property, wealth, and liberty and live at a seventh century standard of living while he and his UN kiddie-rapers live like sultans with us as their slaves?

LEt's say more hurricanes are on the way? What's new about that? Nothing.

What's he going to do after the UN imposes global eco-tyranny, and the storms worsen?

What new lies will the communist thugs at the UN recite to fool the little people, to cover their old lies?

As the African potentate said, 'The UN is where I send my political enemies who aren't worth the trouble to execute."

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Sea levels are not rising, climate has remained relatively constant for thirty plus years, showing only a slight tendency toward cooling.

The ice caps are not melting. Every expedition which travels to the Antarctic to 'prove' the ice is melting invariably gets stuck in unexpectedly thick ice and has to be rescued by ships from other nations.

Agree, ninety five percent of plastic pollution of the ocean exists in Asian and African countries because those nations traditionally are dirty, they don't care a whit about litter or pollution.

But it's so much easier for the Elites and leftists to blame America and the west for polluting the oceans, because our nations have always been the target.

No coincidence that articles such as this appear shortly after the Clintons made overtures to 'help' the Bahamas after Dorian, same as they 'helped' Haiti after the earthquake.

All of a piece with coming global tyranny.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Yeah, what's that? Someone who'd rather go with the truth rather than follow a sixteen year old brat with mental issues over the cliff, just because a bunch of thugs at the UN tell you its good for you?

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Feel free to cite a fact or two to refute it.