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pilgrimagerock says...

The majority of us are NOT homophobic. To call the majority who opposed the homosexual lifestyle on MORAL grounds homophobic is an insult.

pilgrimagerock says...

Well said. At the end of the day, the Supreme Court Justice will do the right thing by the Bahamian people. These Web Shop Operators have no shame, they deceitfully used their web shop business licenses to practice illegal gambling in the Bahamas and calling it 'legal gambling'.

On 'Injunction granted to web shop operators'

Posted 30 January 2013, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

Gambling is and always will be morality.

pilgrimagerock says...

It sounds like you do not know what the hell you are talking about. Your word reflects Satan’s will and the more you think this nonsense, Satan’s smiles get brighter every day. I agree with Pastor Lyall Bethel, the NO voters have a lot to thank God for. In the midst of all the countries around the world committing moral suicide, this little country called the Bahamas despite its many problems has HOPE.

On 'Vote reaffirms my faith'

Posted 29 January 2013, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...


It a bunch of religious hyrocrites like yourself that keeps a smile on your master's (the devil) face.

On 'Vote reaffirms my faith'

Posted 29 January 2013, 2:47 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

To say that the majority of those who voted "NO" are right now playing the numbers are the words of a bitter sore loser. I don’t support no form of gambling and I proudly voted NO because it the moral thing to do, and the vast majority of those who voted NO feel the same way too.

pilgrimagerock says...

The NO voters torpedoed this so-called gambling referendum.

The Prime Minister really thought he had this vote in the bag. Once again, he and his party underestimated the will of God’s people and regardless of the low turnout, God’s will take precedence over their deceptive will. I sincerely hope that those who campaign and voted for this wickedness repent because gambling in all its form is abomination - Proverbs 6:16-19. May God bless the commonwealth of the Bahamas and its people for doing what is right in His eyes.

pilgrimagerock says...

Whether Greenslade like it or not, he must defend his boss decision if not, he is either demoted or out of a job.

On Seymour promotion defended

Posted 30 November 2012, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

Well said. This it what they wanted, a government that has no regards for anyone but themselves.

On BEC party venue

Posted 30 November 2012, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

The unions should focus on preparing Bahamians to complete in the new workfore. Very well said, Nativeson

On DEVELOPING: Unions overrun BTC in protest

Posted 2 November 2012, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal