Comment history

pingmydling says...

If the local judiciary was less avaricious and downright dishonest; then they would not
need protection from the general population.

pingmydling says...

Look what happened last time 3 ships came here. Remember 1492???

On Three ships the minimum

Posted 10 January 2019, 5:22 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Darren build the WALL !!!
To keep Haitians out?
No, to keep Bahamians in.
This message is brought to you by your friendly neighborhood anarchists.
Viva la revolution !!!!!!

pingmydling says...

I would like to say a big thank you to the Dept. of EH. Living in the Mackey St. area
the garbage trucks even came Christmas eve and again on New Years day. Well done, very efficient. The crews deserve a raise.

pingmydling says...

What is this "mudda take sic" crap. Is it meant to advertise that you are a bona fide
Bahamian patriot? I think not. "Me and my kind" & I quote really smells of fascist sympathies
that you no doubt harbour subliminaly. I am able to recommend a competent psychiatrist for
you to help you over your 12 year old passing.problem. Keep the Haitians,, send your kind
back to Bedlam. ( does that sound like a Haitian to you -- moron ?)

pingmydling says...

"well mudda take sic" ; I am very sorry to hear that your mother is not in good health.
Maybe if she had given her intellectually challenged son even a modicum of education
she would be in a more satisfactory condition. ( We Haitians smart eh?)

pingmydling says...

" These people are a threat to our national security" P.M. Hubert Minnis.
" These people are a threat to our national security" Pres. Donald Trump.
These two clowns talked on the phone last week. Donald advised Hubert to build a wall
from Turks to Cuba!!!!!! ( Tweedle dumb & Tweedle dummy)

pingmydling says...

Porcupine, well said,right on point!!!

On Church and State

Posted 4 January 2019, 7:19 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Population Caribbean ----- 44,155,326. (2018).
Population EU. ------------- 512,600,000 (2018).
Thats an awful lot of spitting to do--- fool.

pingmydling says...

SIR Ronnie it is 2019 now and you are still formulating that same old self serving political
rhetoric. In this new year try to come to terms with the fact that your tired, old caricom
has been nowhere and is going nowhere. Daniel Ortega, Nicolas Maduro, etc. are the true heroes of the region, fighting for justice and progress for the poor, oppressed proletariat of the Caribbean. In the near future you and your cohorts will face the justified wrath of the working
people. ( by the way we do not give out so called "knighthoods".)