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pingmydling says...

Bah Humbug!!!!!!
Your not a poet
but you don't know it.
( now thats pure Shelley& Keats)
Inistay don't give up your day job, the worlds not ready for another
poet laureate yet.

pingmydling says...


On EDITORIAL: Happy Christmas to all our readers

Posted 22 December 2018, 6:27 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

We Dominicans smart or what eh?
Darron Henriquez ( his real name) is one of us.
i so sorry for dumb Bahamians.

On Fishing industry: Time to be tough

Posted 20 December 2018, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Gilbert --- thats not Bahamian. Where you from???
Lets be Frank ----get it ????

pingmydling says...

bogart ---- right on bro, you said it all!!!!!!!
Seeing some of those crooked preachers swinging from the ol' dilly tree would be Nirvana.
You watch all those preacher in Foxhill climb the greasy pole next week . No problem
for them --- their fingers already sticky with the money.

pingmydling says...

Fweddy is you brother still up in Foxhill ; or they let him out to look after his
delusional brother?

pingmydling says...

Fweddy please shut the ******* up.
From that photo looks like you already eat ten Christmas diners.
Try giving some to the poor -- fat boy!!

pingmydling says...

Because a company has made a profit over the years as far as I can determine it has no obligation to return monies to the society from which the profit was obtained.
Take note sir Ronnie ( economics 101).

pingmydling says...

I entirely agree with "well mudda take sic", especially his comments on Sir Sanders.
( however I would question the socialist part -- remember he just loves that SIR .)
That whole nonsense spiel comparing Canadian banking practices with what BNS can
do in its rinky dink Caribbean branches is so much Sander's hogwash.
If any of these little entities were to try to restrict BNS from selling to their preferred buyer,
BNS would simply close up shop, walk away and say have a nice day.
I don't know what Sanders area of expertise is, but surely it is not banking.
Stick to what you know.

pingmydling says...

Of course the so call United States of Trump takes precedence over us raggedy ass locals.
Hail to the chief --or whatever.

On Too much privilege for the US embassy

Posted 16 December 2018, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal