Comment history

pingmydling says...

You agree with (Hon - I think not ) Symonette.!!! Reactionary sycophant.
Might as well bring back the guillotine for all your "jungalist ghetto criminals"
Sheepshearer get in the 21st. century.
Bob Dylan----- Your sons and daughters are beyond you command, get out of the
way if you can't lend a hand.

On Dept of Immigration dress code sparks debate

Posted 15 December 2018, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

I support the "Dress Police".
P.S. I supported Ping too and that did not turn out so well either---born loser!!!!
(AKA -- Brent's tailor).

On Dept of Immigration dress code sparks debate

Posted 15 December 2018, 1:11 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

That Thomas (the tank engine????) comment makes no sense.
Don't post if you are functionally illiterate.

On Dept of Immigration dress code sparks debate

Posted 15 December 2018, 8:03 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

For once your talking sense!!!

On Judge, jury and executioner . . .

Posted 15 December 2018, 7:27 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Chile,ya gotta see that so called ratty, decrepit,non discript,ill fitting,moth eaten thing
that Brent calls a suit.
For such a rich potentate he sure is cheap. I guess when he gets his first rent cheque
from Town Centre he will be able to buy something more befitting his exalted position in
our poor society.
Next time he enters the Immigration building ( which I understand is not too often),
I hope security checks on his sartorial splendor.

On Dept of Immigration dress code sparks debate

Posted 15 December 2018, 7:18 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

"Legalise it, and I'll advertise it " ---- Peter Tosh.
I wonder if Cedric Moss will be as happy as Bishop Hall with ganja reform?
A rolling Moss gathers no "weed". ---- or something like that.

pingmydling says...

Religion got foothold when those three ships came sailing over the horizon in 1492,and
out jumped all those fellows with a sword in one hand and a bible in the other. The natives
got to choose which one they wanted!!!
Moss and all the other fanatics and christian cultists learned the lesson well.

pingmydling says...

Hey Ronnie, lets declare war on the the worlds worst polluter------
the United States of Trump.
Oh no forget that. I just remembered he is building a hotel in Antigua.

pingmydling says...

Imagine there is no religion (John Lennon).
Then there is no problem with all you crooked, so called pastors !!
Foxhill is still waiting to open its doors for you my prodigal friend,
accept your salvation and enter.
P.S. please fill the collection plate --- put in not take out ( I know old habits die hard).

pingmydling says...

Russell --- you really are an incoherent, babbling,bsing,buffoon.
(and thats only the nice things I can find to say about you).