Comment history

pingmydling says...


pingmydling says...

I'm with you Clamshell.
Looks like we ran into the Joseph Goebbels amateur Tribune school of journalism.
Seig Heil to the Tribune Fuhrer.
Whicn dogma were you swearing against? No man or every man? Ha.
(shall I save you some trouble and remove this myself)
Washington Post ----- "Freedom dies in darkness".

pingmydling says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

pingmydling says...

Pretty cool, all we need now is a reliable electricity supply to keep the machines running,
otherwise they are expensive pieces of junk.

pingmydling says...

i guess what goes around comes around.
The utility companies have been screwing us Joe Public for years.

pingmydling says...

Diane Phillips ----- your girl got married. If cel phones were a problem for you tell your guests, why are you bothering us with your petty problem. Joe public does not care a rat's carbuncle
about your wedding.
You get paid by the Tribune ( one assumes -- god knows why) to annunciate on topics of general interest to the Bahamian public, not your own private problem.
who are you related to at the Tribune?

pingmydling says...

Please don't equate Frankie with Fweddy
But then again monkey see, monkey do.

pingmydling says...

Poor Frankie believes in praying away the sin.
Don't know if the rapists got the memo.
Anyway Frankie enjoy your freebie junket, have fun.

pingmydling says...

Hey just kidding ya. I agree with 90% of what you write.

On ‘End this sexual violence epidemic’

Posted 1 March 2019, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

John, I have made an appointment for your snipping. Which one will be the clown then?, my macho Bahamian friend.

On ‘End this sexual violence epidemic’

Posted 1 March 2019, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal