Comment history

pingmydling says...

castration ( or snip snip as its also known) might go to somewhat aleviating the problem.
( its like the death penalty here ----- it will never happen).

On ‘End this sexual violence epidemic’

Posted 1 March 2019, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Birdie there will come a day when you are laying in that operating theatre, and you had better pray that the surgeon who is about to cut you open end to end is a PLP.

pingmydling says...

The last time I was visiting John Hopkins there wasn't an American doctor in sight.
Most were from Africa, India and the majority were Caribbean. It will a coming home for
Most of them.

pingmydling says...

There is nothing wrong with Fitz's nose. It is all the "pinocchios" he tells that is causing the abnormality.

pingmydling says...

Birdie there will always be a place of honour for you in the Trump administration. A true

pingmydling says...

something don't smell right ----hire robert mueller.

On Torture trio told - you’re out of time

Posted 27 February 2019, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Madhatter you making this crap up. You must think all us bush people as stupid as you.
Post one shred of evidence for your comments. What you know about the US and
Parkistan judicial system, not to mention our own, wouldn't fill a 5c. Stamp. ( lay off the juice). ps Your spelling leaves a lot to be desired. If you need some remedial English I
Am available at reasonable rates.

On Torture trio told - you’re out of time

Posted 27 February 2019, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

DDK _____ my dog now wears a .44 magnum around her neck. I've taught her to say "do you feel lucky officer?"

On Revealed - film of cop shooting dogs

Posted 27 February 2019, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

"Every government department has to be sanitized" . Cleansed, the enemies of the people
Must be exterminated. Now where did I hear that type of rhetoric before? Oh yes, Berlin
1938 & the White House 2019.

On FBI secret tapes expose visa scam

Posted 27 February 2019, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

I'm kind of cool with business as usual.----but what do I know? I'm just a poor Bimini

On FBI secret tapes expose visa scam

Posted 27 February 2019, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal