Comment history

positiveinput says...

Keep up the good work and may God continue to keep you officers safe as you try relentlessly to keep our streets safe

On Police open fire after car chase

Posted 19 August 2012, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

When will our law makers notice that as time goes by, our laws need also to evolve to keep up with changing time.

On Bay Street faces shop closure threat

Posted 4 August 2012, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

You make a good point about the message the employee could be sending but its still up to any individual to spend their income on goods or services as they wish. As it applies to the above topic, the contractors who perfer private school are still basic taxpayers so look at it this way, they're paying twice for their childrens education in a sense. Now with the point you made of the pepsi worker perfering to drink coke, look at a vegetarian working as a butcher. Its just his/her preference.

positiveinput says...

Mind you those figures could be right. Notice they never stated which country they took those stats from. lol

On Minister says murder down 24 per cent

Posted 3 August 2012, 7 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Still as long as her relatives dont know where she is, she is still considered missing. Be careful how you comment cause theres many other shoes out there and one day one may fit you.

positiveinput says...

Whatever they did with the money is not what the message was. The message was that 800 jobs were created and that individuals whom had no work or present contracts to sustain their families now saw it possible to afford whatever they choose to do legally with their money. You think the workers for Cost Rite only shop at Cost Rite, or Super Value only shop at Super value. Stop being narrow minded. You got that. An individual is not restricted to spend their money to the likeness of you, but I sure hope you settle to obtain all of whatever your job offers only from your place of work.

positiveinput says...

Everyone could report that this lady seemed mentally sick but instead of escorting her to the police station, they just ran her out of the establishment. Mental persons need to be shown that someone cares about them and in this case if any of the witnesses had any sence they would have after noticing her condition, tell her in a calm voice, "come lets us help you look for your children", and use that as a detourant to carry her to the police station. That may same little but it would have made a difference between life and death.

You individuals whom had direct verbal contact with that victim could pat yourself on your backs now cause believe it or not you gave her that extra push she needed to carry out her act aiding her in feeling useless and regarding her pocessions as garbage , further downgraded her. By you proudly commenting "something wasn't right with her" you should have known a mental person should be treated delicate cause they are not in a right state of mind. Lakeisha Ingraham you especially should be ashame to even mention your name to the tribune cause you and your patron of THE HUT could have made better judgement and escort this woman whom you clearly notice to see something wasn't right with to the police station. We are suppose to be our brothers keeper. Your whole discription of this mishap sickens me and only for the respect of other readers and the Tribune I would not use more graphic words to describe your selfish behaviour towards someone you yourself admitted and observed to need help.

This lady was someones daughter; could have been a mother as she claimed, or someones sister. Anyway, she was somebodies love one and you never extend that helping hand when she needed it. All that lady needed was a helpful hand to point her in the right direction but was proudly denied it. I hope other users of this site agree with me and discontinue patronising THE HUT because those actions strongly show how selfish your staff and other patrons are. To the family of the victim, I'm sorry to hear about your lost and pray that you receive the strength to help you through your time of sorrow. May God be with you.

On Witnesses saw woman dive into the water

Posted 2 August 2012, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

She may have had the money to purchase the item in cash, but considering the cost of it, it does make sense to me to purchase the goods on credit. This way with the amount you're assuming she makes, just from her savings interest from banking her money, she could have paid her monthly payments for the TV making her in some way, got it for free. However she learnt a valuable lesson not following procedures. Using a lower income amount assured her that she would have been able to handle more deductions if necessary in the future when she would have posted her actual amount.

positiveinput says...

Seems like this 'deal' has already been cut. Notice the use of certain words and phrases - 'confident that everything is moving forward', 'in due course', 'working on putting the correct regulatory and safety regime for its activities in place'... This seems like another episode of its what the Bahamians want, but time tells another story like with the sale of BTC. With the oil venture, some good would come out of it, but sooner or later we all would find out oil and water really don't mix .

positiveinput says...

Lesson learnt for next time, wouldn't one say.