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positiveinput says...

In that case would you let an individual with a "checkered past" of arm robbery work in your bank? The first person that came to mind after reading this story was Antonio Andretee Sands. He too had a checkered past that was ignored in 2006 which was regretted in 2009. Google it and see for yourself.

On Controversial pastor visit questioned

Posted 14 September 2012, 4:12 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Whilst we just have the idea of students being in simple conflicts, think about outsiders attacking the students, teachers or administrators armed with a weapon (gun). Even in non-school conflicts, a police whom carries a weapon does not always put it to use, or did you think because a police carries a gun he/she automtically issues a traffic ticket at gun point. Half of these homes, its a norm for students to be in the presence of a licence shot gun, not to mention those whom parents or siblings pocess an illegal firearm. As times change the way we (humans) address different matters change and should be accepted. Look at a mechanic of today, would you be ok if he goes under your hood with points and condensors, cause thats the old fashion way, or because times have change, equipt with his code extracting computer. Come out of your prehistoric bubble and see the real world for what it is. Ever notice that down to the church needs to have bars and locks on the doors and windows or security in the parking lots.

On Minister defends guns in schools

Posted 12 September 2012, 4:44 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

With all these robberies happening I must say of a funny incident that happened on the 9th,
Sunday 2012. I called the Meter Cab dispatch operator requesting a cab. After being asked my location, I was further asked by the dispatch operator where I wanted to go. To my suprise, after stating the airport, I was instructed to call a cell number given by the operator to contact an individual I don't know to take me to my destination. Wtf, whats the purpose of the dispatch operator. Isn't it her job to dispatch a cab and let me know the cab number to look out for. Safety first at all times Meter Cab, before I take on such a risk I preferred that day to drive myself to the airport because the money spent for the parking lot is equal to the cab to the airport, then back home when I return.

On Two held after latest pair of armed robberies

Posted 11 September 2012, 9:20 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Speaking of the schools being unsafe, explain the difference you mention to that of for example C. H. Reeves constructing a whole new classroom block and leaving it unfinish during school time. Isn't that a hazard for the students and teachers. For years schools have closed and reopened with work not completed under both governments so why pull a tooth over it now. Now before I let a cat out of your bag, could someone tell me if the Minister of Education have some umbrella over preschools and nursery certification.

On Bannister claims schools 'unsafe'

Posted 10 September 2012, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I an event that a person needs to use those emergency numbers, if there is a case that a cell phone is being used, must that individual need credit on their phone to get emergency assistance. I know to contact BTC 222-5282 you need credit on your cell and thats to receive technical support; whats with that. I guess another bonus of selling the company.

On another unrelated matter, I called Meter Cab yesterday requesting a cab. Instead of having a cab sent by the dispatch operator, I was asked by the lady where I wanted to go. Upon stating the airport, I was given a cell number by her to call for a cab driver that was in my area. wtf I done tell her I going to the airport and with all this foolish crime spree going on instead or her radioing for a cab so that company in some way be held responsible for my safe transport, I must take it upon myself to telephone someone I don't know to come and pick me up. Very unprofessional meter cab. And if Meter Cab wants the number she gave me just reply to this comment cause this matter is very serious in the case that people could be getting set up for a robbery by your dispatch operator if that number doesn't infact belong to a cab driver.

On 919 emergency number malfunctioning

Posted 10 September 2012, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Decline how and you have these lazy no good animals killing you for your own belongings now. Think the man who got shot and kill over the cell phone and laptop is connected to this individual, or the man who got kill for his own chain. Open your eyes and see the full picture.

positiveinput says...

I may not be an expert in road construction but I can determine slackness in anything. Every road under construction are equipt with detour signs that are mainly obstructing a motorist view. All that money the road work is said to be paying out yet this 'back yard' company can't have proper signs to enable a motorist to see oncomig traffic when pulling out a corner. The other morning I was on Blue Hill (however its spelt) heading north in the area of S.C. when I observed another motorist heading south. It was raining so road visibility was limited. When the other vehicle reached the junction of Soldier Road and Blue Hill, they met an abrupt road diversion made up of concrete pillars in the south bound lane. No the individual was not speeding however because the road work crew didn't properly identify this road hazard, the driver of the other vehicle had no other choice but to crash into the diversion pillars or the wall on the corner of soldier road. Now because of this slack-house company, an individual has wrecked his/her car and the wall on the corner of soldier road to that property owner just fell down. what ever happened to safety first.

positiveinput says...

The church for a long time have been picking up the slack for people... If the church have been doing so, why word it as picking up the slack. Infact why even say that if you're helping individuals with a good heart. Good thing (I wouldn't even put Rev) Patterson wasn't in the bible days and had to feed the 5000 cause he just would brag of how much hungry belly people his church had to feed. Preach and teach the word of The Lord and stop getting mixed up in things that don't concern the church. "Pick up slack" How much of your own church members never gamble yet still struggling to pay their mortage, clothe their family or put as simple as a loaf of bread on their table. "Pick up slack" How many people just on the corners asking for a hand out to get a hot cup of tea right in your church neighbourhood. Whatever the church do or did for people in need should never be classed as pick up the slack nor should it had ever been mentioned if your doing it out of a good heart. This is the same reason some people would gamble; to make sure no one has nothing to spread of his/her family during their time of need.

positiveinput says...

So what if you bring the tourist DownTown. I'm sure you got paid so you benefited just as well as the DownTown merchants so why the heck you think you deserve special parking. The only thing needs to be regulated is drop off and pick up points and for the rest of DownTown install the parking meters. DownTown on the whole was not erected to accommodate vehicle parking of todays average vehicle size, so yes, install parking meters which would assist in the limited parking areas being manage more efficiently and assign drop off and pick up points especially for those delivery trucks whom double park in the streets at times.

On Taxi drivers speak out in parking row

Posted 23 August 2012, 12:50 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Well the cab I rode in a while back used its air condition. However I used a cab from the line stationed at the internation section of the airport which was not equipt with a meter. I had only notice this when I reached my porch in Coral Harbour and looked at the dash board to see my bill, a seven minute drive which cost me $30. I might as well had left my car in the parking lot.

On Taxi union wants limit on parking

Posted 21 August 2012, 9:26 p.m. Suggest removal