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positiveinput says...

Even the article states, "But although she was refunded, she said she was still upset that the incident still could occur". In any incident no matter how dangers or serious it may have been, if an individual accepts money, no matter how little the amount may be, he/she indirectly is comfortable with the overall outcome. However after telling her story to her family and friends, they probably opened her eyes to how simple she was to accept $280. Now believe me, on reading the news article, I was extremely pissed with that daycare but fair is fair, her taking the cheque (let alone if she already cashed it) then still telling her story to the news media is wrong of her.

On Mom's fear as son goes missing from school

Posted 24 September 2012, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Well she have something that she could sell but the depreciation value may not leave much to work with, judge wear and tear from aging lmfao. No matter how it turns out thats good for her, I hope the persons from Dream Development could be brought to justice now.

On Realtor must pay back stolen cash

Posted 21 September 2012, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Don't you think to accept the cheque then still contact a media was wrong of her. Like you stated the time frame have nothing to do with a person's moral character or parenting skills, but when you accept money or monies worth to compensate you for your loss or mental stress then still turn around and be-little a persons (See-Saw Christian Academy) character is morally wrong. Yes the pre-school was very much at fault for what happened but by the parent accepting the cheque, that matter was made water the bridge from then on. Bahamians need to learn that you can't have your cake and eat it too.

On Mom's fear as son goes missing from school

Posted 21 September 2012, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

What about the times no cable even get damage, BTC just looking for an escape goat for their ever shitty service.

On Damaged cable leaves BTC customer cut off

Posted 21 September 2012, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

As serious as this incident WAS, and notice the use of the word WAS, this parent prolong the need to mention this matter to a news media a week and days later after it happened, and after she accepted her $280.00 as the means of resolution, again why try to lower this establishments reputation. Yes for her child to had been 'missing' was very dangerous, but good thing he turned up unharm, still she was quite satisfied walking off with her cheque. I know if that was my child (which I hope never happens to) that had happen to, his/her up to college fee was secure by that daycare. Yet because you accept the cheque from the daycare, you accept resolution to your matter. Better hope that daycare doesn't come back to haunt you legally.

On Mom's fear as son goes missing from school

Posted 21 September 2012, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

For being the average Bahamian whom gets in everyones personal business but their own, this individual needs to spend some time behind bars. I visited his site and with no relavance to its name view some of the post by himself and other monkey brain Bahamians whom encourage him/her to make use of a camera with no meaning. In one of his postings there was mentioned a woman whom photos was taken for needing sponsers - going into a liquor store - and a cell phone store. Claiming thats where she went with funds acquired from donations, how was he certain that individual didn't purchase water, juice or soda from the first nearest store to hydrate her children, and to get a phone card to tell whomever she owed that finally she could pay them (eg. rent). Bahamians need to know that whatever don't concern them should never be in their day to day activite, especially when I involves a persons character. Hope he got to keep his camera in jail so he really have some good pics to show his jack-a followers.

On Man behind love cheat site quizzed

Posted 19 September 2012, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Wow 'tribune' might as well had posted a pic of the police band mermber house with his name and picture, and they wonder why the public hesitate to come forward with information.

On Police shoot two in 48 hours

Posted 19 September 2012, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I know of your pain, I experienced the same with a placed called Dream Development. I should of figured by the name I was just buying a DREAM.
However life goes on.

On Ex-Real Estate agent admits deposit thefts

Posted 19 September 2012, 2:47 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

If spending funds in education was not a bad thing, why was it a big deal when Fitzgerald offered out contracts last summer. Wasn't he too just spending funds (investing) in education.

On Minister of education vows to back up claims

Posted 14 September 2012, 4:50 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

lmao, so if a suspect is denied bail in court, all he/she has to do is find a reason to attent the hospital - hehehe.

On Another prisoner hospital escape

Posted 14 September 2012, 4:26 a.m. Suggest removal