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positiveinput says...

It is sad to know that in this Bahamaland, nothing is addressed until a life is lost, be it animal or human. Day by day animals and humans are left to fend for themselves with no protection from the 'Government Ministry' appointed to regulate and enforce the rules and laws to protect them. Many may say the horse was not properly cared for, had a health issue, or the motoring fumes aided in her (the horse) death, but what was the over and repeated contribution and cause of death was the 'Government' Not saying the governing party, but the ministry specially appointed to regulate and look over that area of Bahamian Living.

In fact in every sector we find those in authority are showing a blind eye to rules and regulations, allowing the general public to freely do as they please because no guide lines or regulations are kept in place. Then when something accidental, fatal or embarassing happens, we stand around dumbfounded.

As simple as picking up my child from primary school, I observe a teacher exiting the schools drop off n pick up area from the wrong direction.
Day after day the road construction company places diversion signs directly on the corner limiting the visibility of a motorist to on flowing traffic.
Stray dogs roam the streets carefree.
Vehicles with extensive structural damage are allowed to re-enter the motoring population.

Then when some mishap occurs the finger is pointed at the last domino to fall. Heads up people, the problem starts from the front. That is the people (Ministry) put to regulate and enforce the rules to keep law and order in various sectors. You can sign all the petition you want, but what good is a signature when those who are put to regulate rules and laws are not the least bit interested.

On Horse petition nears 2,000 mark

Posted 14 November 2012, 5:30 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So basically those officers just got the fuel on consignment considering the amount their fines were. However, each paying $349 totals $698, subtract that from the $788 actual value of the fuel leaves them still paying $90 less. Then these two thieves are describe as having exemplary character and provided exemplary service. WTF. They were found guilty so whatever character they portrayed prior to stealing fuel was just a cover up of who they really were - thieves. Oh my bad, Veteran, church going, family men - theves. i just hope the Force Garage takes out legal actions to be compensated for their loss now.

On Former officers fined for gas theft

Posted 10 November 2012, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

@ apostle you state, "They simply tax the income, but that doesn't cure the problem." What is the problem with gambling/playing numbers?

On PM: Major statement on gambling in days

Posted 10 November 2012, 5:25 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

in shame or agony

On Move follows animal death earlier this week

Posted 10 November 2012, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Seeing that only my comment was post so far I assume the "well, i am here to tell you..." is referred to me, so for being so cocky, stop throwing the blame for your own carelessness on others. To boast your sons laptop was value $3,000 means nothing because me with my $450 yes four hundred and fifty dollar laptop knows that it is valuable enough to wait and collect after I place it down for security screening. Next you'll (us) Bahamians want to drop money in the streets then say somebody stole that also. Its not lawlessness - its you'll being careless. Now still if security had paged you for it then when you return to the checkpoint, they cannot find it anymore, yep somebody stole it but you (your son) give aid in being careless. : )

On Airport staff deny theft

Posted 3 October 2012, 11:37 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

That carelss magistrate should be the one before the courts because its his careless actions that allowed a firearm to get in the hands of two individuals. Again unattended baggage would be discarded is what the airport security announces. The report states his bag was left unattended whilst he went to the conveyor belt so if those two airport workers moved a bag from where it was left unattended, basically by airport security rules, they discarded it not stole it. Now with the matter of having an unlicense firearm, his explanation is easy because its certain how he obtain it and simply didn't get to turn it in to the proper authorities before confronted by officers concerning theft, which again by airport security rules, unattended baggage are not subject to be stole, but discard.

On Airport staff deny theft

Posted 3 October 2012, 4:56 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Well seeing that he was at the conveyor belt in the Domestic Terminal depending on which island he was coming from the outisland security does not exist (not too sure about Grand Bahama). However reaching Nassau, one of the first rule is not to leave bags unattended. Its like to enter a courthouse one must have on long pants with shirt tucked in, everyone knows that. Also if he travelled from Nassau, how is it this weapon was in his pocession in the first place if he had to clear security. If this magistrate cannot be fined and banned from using the airport for a long period of time if not for good, might as well let the two men go because they were just removing (discarding) unattended baggage which airport security states and never specified by whom.

On Probe into airport thefts

Posted 2 October 2012, 4:59 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Lets not jump the 'gun' here. Before we get to the gun, doesn't airport security message states not the leave bags unattended. Now its clear that this individual left his belongings unattended, furthermore there was a weapon inside of it so I hope along with the two men assisting police a third is also arrested for his contribution of allowing the two men to get hold of a weapon. Now we see why the average Bahamian cannot carry/own a handgun legally seeing the careless actions of the 'highclass'. Back to the airport security message, didn't it state that owners of unattended baggage would be fined, well I hope this person because of his bags' content gets a heavy fined and not allow to endanger the life of any other travellers by using the airport again.

On Probe into airport thefts

Posted 2 October 2012, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

On the topic of financial situation, is it just me or has anyone else used a banks ATM to deposit cash and the bank is now making you feel that the deposit was just a dream?

On Laing concern at debt inaction

Posted 27 September 2012, 3:44 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Stop being so easily fooled. If the police has already outfitted the vehicle with sirens and cameras, that alone shoud let anyone know the vehicle already by whom ever has government purpose plans which I'm sure don't include reselling (auctioning). Wake up Bahamas wake up, and to say nobody sat in the vehicle cause no one authorised them too is bull - who authorised for the customization?

On Will PM take the mercedes?

Posted 26 September 2012, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal