Comment history

positiveinput says...

In the situation with the seventeen year old why is the police stating they know who the shooter is and he is on the run, hasn't posted his picture in the newspaper as wanted. That would eliminate whomever is aiding him in avoiding the police from claiming they didn't know he was wanted.

On Son of 'Emperor' shot dead

Posted 27 November 2012, 7:22 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So if I'm understanding this article it seems that after 23 years new rules and regulations were set for the sole purpose of running Holiday Carnival. For 23 years this company dedicated their schedule to come to the Bahamas, yet on arrival this last time is made aware their services is no longer needed. Many of us Bahamians can feel this company's pain and disappointment. Thats wrong the way Scorpio Construction treated Holiday Carnival.

On No cancellation for carnival

Posted 26 November 2012, 5:04 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Like I commented before with the issue of the horse (Bloody Mary), those in authority aren't doing nothing to help regulate or enforce rules, laws, guidelines. However when the rest of the public conduct themselves under no supervision, it is expected to be one bright happy day. If you remember awhile back a lady was found dead out Arawak Cay. Everybody who was interviewed by the tribune proudly described the lady as not looking mentally sound, yet ran her from their establishment. End result, a lifeless body being pulled from the waters. We are suppose to be our brothers keeper, but even the school teachers are showing 'a every man for themself' attitute.

On High school student shot in chest

Posted 24 November 2012, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Very nice article as the Christmas shopping season approaches and the percentage of jewellery snatching incease.

On Nine years for armed robbery

Posted 22 November 2012, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I pray that you get answers and keep the strengh to persue justice for your innocent baby.

On Hospital asked for answers

Posted 22 November 2012, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Well the daily news I listen to on 100.3 stated the murder rate went up by one, which never could be regarded as stating an overall amount. However reading the Tribune article one would see the amount printed was 99. Now my comment to you was simply to justify your remark with reference proof. Eg. (The Punch gives the murder rate as 000, the Guardian - 001 and the Tribune 002, which s correct). I along with many other Bahamians did read (The Tribune), thats why again I say how is your comment useful if you fail to post where you obtain your other figures from along with the conflicting amount.

On Man killed in 99th murder

Posted 16 November 2012, 11:15 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

thinkinglady, yes lets be serious. How would you suggest that the horse be removed from the streets. Do you think dozen of men would gently pick the animal up while one carefully holds its head from swaying lifeless. are you serious!!! And way the hell you people get this stupid phrase from, 'Are you Serious'?. Hell yeah and they proved it by doing so. Now dont get me wrong, I love animals but to see the stupidity some people would try and justify which is so far fetch from the situation.

On Tribune readers back tougher surrey rules

Posted 16 November 2012, 10:51 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

If the murder rate is incorrect, how is your comment useful if you fail to post the exact count and the proof of your amount being accurate.

On Man killed in 99th murder

Posted 16 November 2012, 10:29 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Ok then since thats what you remember, is that the solution or does it help in any way? The sky is green. Remember me saying that when you look up again and consider if you could trust what a person SAY.

On Man killed in 99th murder

Posted 16 November 2012, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

How could one predict the actions of another. For whatever reason such crimes are carried out, if the reason exists in Abaco, be certain it will happen. PLP, FNM nor DNA could stop that.

On Man killed in 99th murder

Posted 16 November 2012, 7:07 p.m. Suggest removal