Comment history

positiveinput says...

Why can't the minister in charge of this sector direct this individual to Doctors Hospital to see if he is physically fit to be out of hospital. Then if not use money from the government to pay for this man medical bill and in return put the staff on duty at that time in court to compensate the government for not doing what they are paid for. Again every official will drag their foot until a life is loss. A hospital could be suggested to build when a woman lost her life during the storm but lets see how this easy situation cannot be solved. Or if the gentleman was fit for discharge, he then just be accountable for the medical evaluation by Doctors Hospital seeing that it was his concern the service was done.

positiveinput says...

But look at the bigger picture. The funding to evaluate this oil spill came from where, our tax paying dollars. Yet its clear that our moneys went down the drain seeing that these people put in place to govern ( make life affecting decisions) are giving inaccurate conclusions. We the tax payers just threw away the cost of this evalation by Ms. Hanna and her joy ride flyers along with whatever salaries they are receiving because it clearly shows they are being paid for nothing. The first report told to the Tribune was that it was not sure how or when the vessel got damage. Yet to sustain a 70 foot long six foot wide gash, no one knew when it happen. Again I stress, these people put in place ot govern and regulate rules to ensure it is better in the Bahamas are not doing their jobs. However they receive a fat pay cheque and act extremely stupid when a life is lost or a total disaster occurs within the Ministry they are suppose to overlook.

positiveinput says...

Hats off to that security guard. He could of been like the average human being whom when hearing a gun shot run and hide, but he didn't. He let his security instinct take over and ensure that a horrible event like that would NEVER happen by that individual again to have innocent lives running in terror.

again hattts of to that brave security!!!

Oh and shouts out to Perry Clarke, the inspector in the pic. Very outstanding officer.

On Robber shot dead by security guard

Posted 6 December 2012, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Before the road work, could all these small business say they were in a profit margin? Did they had their electric bill and other utilities paid up do date prior including National Insurance. Don't be a prostitue crying rape because you want more money than your services/goods was value. A bird in the hand is better that two in the bush.

On Roadworks compensation offer just won't do

Posted 5 December 2012, 11:34 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...


On Mother accuses own son in drugs case

Posted 5 December 2012, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Seems like all serious crimes needs to get this type judgement to rid our country of these bad apples. May I add Take em ALL down!!!

On REPORTS: Armed robber shot and killed

Posted 5 December 2012, 8:15 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So before the oil leak was notice and the ship was positioned in 'steering current', what happened to the oil that had already leaked out? Did it follow the ship to the 'steering current' also? Just asking!

On Ministry says spill is no risk

Posted 4 December 2012, 6:50 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Referring to the incident involving the 17 year old Pinewood Gardens resident how come the owner of the car is not mentioned as being in police custody also. Unless the age has dropped, a seventeen year old cannot obtain a drivers licence, so these two teens are on the road with no licence not to mention no insurance. Didn't a 16 year old a short while back killed himself on the Milo Butler Highway being the driver of a borrowed vehilce. Those in authority need to carry their duties out to full capicity, or should we the law upholders just wait until someelse is killed by these lawless guardians and their children/friends.

On Masked man in shotgun raid on grocery store

Posted 3 December 2012, 5:31 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Long before this cruise ship was schedule to arrive you could of seen questionable young men throughout the country along with females(?) whom grip themselves as if they have packages bigger than the average male. The Christian Councel never worried of the negative impact that our streets already have especially with the sip-sip that hovered around the 'magical' night club out Cable Beach or the 'endangered' one out Coral Harbour. At least we know those individuals on the cruise after their visit will leave. Yet the concens of the Christian Councel of leaving a negative impact should not be a concern because the Bahamas was already infected prior the cruise arrival.

On 'Concern' over drag queens

Posted 2 December 2012, 6:42 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

lol they write their articles as if they were texting or sending a message on face book, proper grammar rules don't exist.

On Hunt for robbers after stab attack

Posted 27 November 2012, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal