Comment history

positiveinput says...

you're right because with the first incident what was he robbed of noting that it was stated superintendent fernander was attacked by two armed robbers. or is it that the identity of the two suspects is known by the media.

positiveinput says...

Where is the christian councel now who states they protect the poor vunerable citizens from harmful elements? Where is the vote no to police butality? I'm sure those two individuals would have perferred the vote no effort to focus more on a matter like this. Bahamian life on the whole is one big gamble. Smt

On Mystery over two deaths in 24 hours

Posted 11 February 2013, 11:18 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Wow, now with the culprits knowing the police have significant leads, thanks to Mr. Millers statement, they just need to keep a copy of this article when charged to prove to a judge that no such incident ever happened and M.P. Leslie Miller stated that himself. I guess those responsible voted PLP. Good looking out Mr M.P.

positiveinput says...

Just like during any political rally, church event or other large gathering, I'm sure the event mentioned does not happen every single day of the week. If anyone did complain of loud music, can they truely say a neighbour right on their street never had a party with loud music. Bahamians need to live and let live. Even as I post this comment MY neighbour is presently having a party with loud annoying music to me. However, this is not something they do everynight so it can be excused although yes I need my rest. Furthermore to use its a residential area as an excuse, why not take that up with Town Planning?

On Police raid web shop's house giveaway

Posted 21 December 2012, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

They could have paid me just a quarter of what they paid the negotiators. We all know after taking the money, we just had to stay home, then after a week report back and say, "Boy these boys playing hard ball and aint budging but cut me another cheque next month and I'll pressure them again until they break. lol"

On PM confirms talks at a dead end

Posted 19 December 2012, 7:36 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

We as parents and guardians, lets take the time out and give our kids foundation rules in crossing the street. Besides the highways that many of our young citizens need to cross during their travel to and from school, etc, many of the newly constructed roads now have double lanes per bound. Gaurdians, remind them (our young children) to always use a perdestrian crossing no matter how further a distance they have to walk to get to one. As for the government, how hard would it be to place a (pedestrian) light at each 'p' crossing on a dual carriage way. This lights function would be to flash for a period of seconds to alert motorist that a perdestrian is on the crosswalk. Note, this is not a regular traffic stop light, just a single light that can be activated by a perdestrian to flash for a period of seconds to alert motorist that a person is crossing.

On No charges over traffic fatalities

Posted 10 December 2012, 7:34 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

How come some Bahamian ten cent pieces can be picked up with a magnet?

On A history of the Bahamian dollar

Posted 10 December 2012, 7:11 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Hope they got permission to place that sign on the wall, lol.

positiveinput says...

Our government of yesterday, today and maybe tommorrow are all to laid back. As we live our day to day lives we can observe the slackness of most every government official. For eg. from as simple as the road construction, one could notice road diversion signs were placed directly on corners making a hazard when pulling out of a corner. I guess after a traffic accident involving some unfortunate persons death occur, the construction company would have been addressed about it. Weeks back animal rights individual were voicing their views on the death of Bloody Mary; still where were the officials whom inspect these animals for the safety of their passengers and the animals themselves. Days ago a male from the detention center died with just as simple as passing him his medication being an option of cause. Or lets backtrack to the underage driver whom killed himself in a vehicle that was loaned to him. Bet the person who loan him the vehicle is still around to lend another. When will this slackness stop?

On New questions over oil spill

Posted 8 December 2012, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So whats the catch, how much longer are they going to keep the monoply now?

On BTC's $850,000 to junkanoo

Posted 8 December 2012, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal