Comment history

positiveinput says...

Using the media, the police mentally try to make the public believe that an element of crime no longer exist but for us who make use of our common sense, we know better. Day after day it is printed how much arrests have been made, but we are not fools, its NOT how much persons you (law enforcement) arrest, its how many are convicted that matter in removing an element of crime.

On Man shot dead protecting his sister

Posted 22 April 2013, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

don't speak too quick, cause the punch reported four kilos so at this rate time as the drugs make it to court it may only be enough for one hit. lol her lawyer could snort that then and that would be it for the evidence.

On Cop held at airport following drugs find

Posted 22 April 2013, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Police confirmed that Collie, 34, of Price Street, Nassau Village, was wanted for a number of crimes, including murder. Was he actually wanted for the crimes, or wanted for questioning concerning the various crimes? Reason being, I personally could recall an occassion when Collie along with a group of others were searched by D.E.U. Officers off Mount Royal Avenue. At that time when asked his (Collie) name one of the officers responded, "thats Jullian Collie - Heads." So if this was a 'wanted for a number of crimes, including murder' individual, why wasn't he taken into custody then. Oh, and that was just seven weeks - two months if that long ago.

On Man shot dead protecting his sister

Posted 22 April 2013, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

In returning the road to a two way, how much more will that cost the tax payers. Anyone who travelles that road knows that because of the sidewalk on both sides, that road cannot comfortably allow the flow of traffic from both directions, unless everyone is driving a Honda Fit. Therefore the simple painting of north and south bound arrows would not work. Now if the Minister wishes to carry out an easy fix to a portion of Baillou Hill, go further south to the junction of Soldier Road and swap the direction of the two-to-single lane merge. At that junction because the sidewalk projects out to the right and the right lane is directed by the painted street arrow to merge left, many fender benders occur at that point because motorist travelling south using the right lane have a straight path to continue on. However the left south lane must drift to the right to follow the design of the sidewalk.

positiveinput says...

Let me break it down even more for you. The article stated the two men were masked which arose the question how were they identified, especially so quicky. One individual post a rumor he/she heard whereas if the rumor was printed in the newspaper the need to question how the identities were obtained would never come up. Notice deepdrop2 stated, "who commits a crime justice should run its course." That mallyb espresses in no way anyone is condoning shit. Then as for the matter of you proudly announcing your brother loves prison supports my point that if he was ever wrongfully accused, then you would understand from the beginning why the question of the two in mentioned ever came up. Reading comprehension must be your weakness.

On Two arraigned over policeman shooting

Posted 16 April 2013, 9:34 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

This is the problem with most Bahamians, Deepdrop2 made a good comment which receive a good explanation from Goodread. However because the comment is not one that you (mallyb) can relate to, you decide to try and insult others with no source of defending your own comment. Perhaps if one of your family members or close friends end up in the hands of the law for nothing they know of, you'll understand. Still like you say even the dump and ignorant have thier (there) say. Didn't want to confuse you so I inserted the 'there' you could read. Yet have the heart to call someone jackass.

On Two arraigned over policeman shooting

Posted 16 April 2013, 6:10 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

children are being mauled to death but its not by four-legged dogs. every other night its by a fist, knife or gun and the 'stray dogs' responsible walk up-right as human beings. they even at one point attacked the very same people whom came to our bahamaland to assist our country with our four-legged dog situation.

On Meet Roger - the once in a lifetime potcake

Posted 15 April 2013, 10:58 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Just say that the web shops do get shut down immediately. Providing that the employees of such establishment were having National Insurance Fees deducted, would they immediately receive unemployment benefits to sustain their families. Many argue that Bahamians need to be protected from the dangers that can occur from gambling along with the laws that are being 'violated'. So in that sense (Mr. Minnis) lets look at the dangers of driving a motor vehicle. From a teenager one is able to receive a permit to do so and in some/many cases driving laws are violated which causes property damage, medical damage/bills or even loss of life. Following the same reason gambling houses should be shut down, why not stop the import of vehicles and remove the deadly motor vehicles from our streets. Bottom line, it logically does not make sense.

On FNM leader calls for police action

Posted 15 April 2013, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Now you understand why you got to post a comment hey. Now next time its 'trying to educate' not trying educate, 'people' not person, we'll let the 'the' slip cause you may have not press the 'y' hard enough but as for the there you used, its 'their'. No need to thank me, just helping out someone who really has time on their hands and is ignorant and stupid. lmfao. and no don't try to pronounce (lmfao) cause that is not a word.

On Police shooting: second arrest

Posted 14 April 2013, 11:29 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Guess both the shooters dropped their name tags. Or maybe their weapon of choice may have dumped bullet casings which were loaded bare-hand for finger prints to be obtain. Or maybe the good supt knows more than the press was told.

On Police shooting: second arrest

Posted 13 April 2013, 6:37 p.m. Suggest removal