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positiveinput says...

Whatever the FNM did for Sir Lynden Pindling was up to them and from what I am understanding from the newsreport about rules and regulations of the House, it was just not the appointed time for Former Primer Minister to address the House. Thats why our country is so out of wacked, because we are not following rules, all we were use to was making DEALS, and as you know, some DEALS go sour.

positiveinput says...

With the completion of various roads and the changing of some two way roads, I have notice that the Road Traffic Police carried out various road stops at the junction of Robinson Road and First Street. At that junction road signs have been placed instructing motorist NOT to enter Robinson Road from First Street and during these road stops, motorist were issued tickets for doing so. However just today (26/07/12) a Speed Cop in uniform, riding a government police motorbike (plate # 938) entered Robinson Road from First Street. Being an officer whom is paid by the tax payers to uphold the law, I hope some high official whom may read this comment look into this matter and make sure the officer riding bike # 938 issure himself a ticket.

On Fresh delay for roadworks project

Posted 26 July 2012, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says... protect citizens from themselves. Lol show me which human liver can consume a 40 oz of any rum with no ill affect, yet you could purchase bottle after bottle with no restrictions. Gambling should be treated like a liquor store; once your over age, let you conscience be your guide. All of the negaive effects of gambling could be obtained from just a $13 bottle of Anejo, yet liquor store after liquor store are popping up, night club after nights club, beer fest after beer fest. Whatever is practice without the presence of moderation has a negative affect. In fact if the government needs to keep lays to help protect citizens from themselves, then lets not just stop at gambling, lets include banning vehicles (speeding kills), lets close down all the bars and liquor stores, banks main cons is robbery, close them too, in fact protect us from everything and close the whole country down. The owner of John S. George is about to close his doors with that establishment. He should stand right next to the number house operators because he too used his business as a gambling house, and using casino terms, the house lost.

The main problem with Bahamians is that if "I'm not doing it, then nobody else should." This could be notice as simply as when your neighbour have a party this week, then the following week you try do likewise. See how quick that same neighbour whose party went on until the wee-hours of the morning calls the police complaining of disburbance. Just like in the bible days, Noah's Ark, acknowledge people of what is expected of them and let them choose their own faith.

positiveinput says...

Gambling; is the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money, material value or valuable service. Using the definition as a guide line then explain a raffle. I pay as little as a dollar with the primary intent of winning prizes that value way over a dollar. Isn't that gambling and in some instances even churches hold raffles. To obtain a U. S. visa one has to pay a fee with the uncertainty of obtaining the visa. Isn't that gambling. Gambling exists in many forms in our day to day life and in every instance is up to the individual to participate. Referring to John 2:13-16 one could comprehend that Jesus looked down on gambling (yes) but only because of the venue it was being taken place. The scriptures never state that He went searching any and everywhere for where people were doing such actions.

positiveinput says...

Actuallly the Bahamian people never were asleep, Infact when issues are present, we tend to do just what you said and focus our 'concerns' on other matters, neglecting the matter at hand which end result is to add another issue to the list of unresolved matters. If the matter above was National Debt, then we would say our concern was illegal immigrants; if it was illegal immigrants we would say the more important focus was unemployment. Nothing gets resolved by putting it on the back burner. Weeks or months from now when another issue arise then this gambling matter would be added to the many existing matters. A fire is more managable when first started, but just like your suggesting now, you perfer to ignore it until it spreads wild in the wind and everyone is running around bumping into each other not knowing what to do. I remember when numbers was only sold for one house (Chicago) back in the days written up on a receipt but now, because the matter was never address properly one can purchase numbers online and for over ten options (states). Now you tell me if the Bahamian people are just sleeping or better yet every wonder who is the hardest person to wake up ... A person who is not actually asleep!

positiveinput says...

even better than my suggestion

positiveinput says...

If gambling in the casinos be permitted, all casino operators would have to do is filter their local gambling participants by posting an entry fee to act as a discouragement to the Bahamians whom they feel may pose a negative threat. Just say a local Bahamian wants to gamble in the casino, he/she is required to post a certain amount ($2,000) which would be refund upon leaving. Now the average Bahamian is allowed to use the casinos but in most cases unable. Most places require some security deposit so in this case let the deposit filter the participants.

positiveinput says...

How could Dr. Nottage expect the school administration to have alternative means for when they suspend or expel a student. If a students finds him/herself being suspended, then the school has done its best and must focus on the student whom know how to conduct themselves in a learning environment. Yes alternative means of education or skill training is needed but that should not fall under the schools administration task. What next, security guards should be the ones to chase down armed suspects. As for BTVI, thats good they are using an entry level requirement to filter out distractions and set-backs from individuals whom want to learn a trade/skill. Furthermore whats wrong with trying to turn BTVI into a community college, your Bahamian people dont deserve a higher level of education. Wouldn't it be better for young Bahamians to obtain a certificate that enables them to start their own business more so than to just try get a job.

positiveinput says...

That lady needs a month in Fox Hill prison to really give her a story to tell.

On Key witness admits details were untrue

Posted 20 July 2012, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Using your example with the bank security, at the same time one must question why the security was missing during the robbery. It would just seem funny to take a bathroom break just seconds before a robber enters. Now as it applies to the topic above how come everytime this young girls visits the neighbour, no parent figure knew of her whereabouts.

On Accused man cleared of sex with a minor

Posted 20 July 2012, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal