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positiveinput says...

Do you really think if the Bahamas buys farm goods from Haiti direct, the illegal immigrant problem would cease. Mr. Mitchel talked about curbing the immigrant problem and Haiti counteract with selling their goods. Wonder if Leslie Miller was out taken out of context when he said 'Stupid Bahamians'. "However, the minister said Haitian officials are more interested in talking about trade between the two countries". Stay focus Mr. Mitchell. I see why the Haitians in our country does PLAY simple Thats just their country technique. (no insult intended, I still have alot of Haitian friends)

positiveinput says...

The police in general are doing the best they can 70 percent of the time. Its when individuals take the law into their own hands the trouble starts. Just the other day residents complained about the police returning fire in a residential area but never considered thoses same men who shot at the police could have used that same weapon to rob, rape, car jack or home invade them. They (the police) are humans also and need the assistance of the public to complete their efforts. You commented that you need a gun but if you let the police know of a FRIEND whom have an illegal weapon along with every other citizen, you will see that you dont actually need one. Everyone needs to do his or her part if you want to be safe.

On Two held over ammunition discovery

Posted 20 July 2012, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Be fair now. Yes he is a pervert to entertain a young fifteen year old girl but still the question remains where was this father all this time. For that length of time you mean the mother nor the father never check to make sure where their young daughter was. There might not be no evidence to prove he had sex with her but he still encourage a young girl to come over to his residence and this girl being of non-legal age still was not supervised about her whereabouts by the parents. These parents need to be held accountable also cause no way I would not know the where abouts of my child, especially a young girl. Or is it the father was jealous of the phone lol.

On Accused man cleared of sex with a minor

Posted 20 July 2012, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Yet the residents in Key West street wants to speak out at the police when in that incident they (the police) did not hesitate to return fire. Keep it up officers, kill em all and let God sort them out. Like in Key West street, you dont have to worry about long court time or these criminals returning to the streets on bail or even winning the court case.


Posted 14 July 2012, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Thats a job well done by the police. Keep up the good work. Although its scary that gunshots was exchanged in a residential area, look at for what cause it was done. Or perhaps the residents would have been more happy if the police had called off the chase and let the criminals go who probably would have used that same gun to rob, car jack, home invade or rape them. The residents in this case are just unreasonable, but think of this; since you (the residents) are so cautious of harm in the neighbourhood especially for the kids sake, consider that at any point a motorist could suffer some illness or mechanical failure whilst driving through the area. Your same kids at play are now exposed to being mowed down. Danger exists in many forms so lets just thank God that in this case nothing bad happened to no one good.

On Residents slam police over 'gunfight'

Posted 14 July 2012, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Although 'sharingonline' has a point, I must agree with you concerned. This lady's breast must have mailed her brain that is had got touched causing such a delay in reporting the matter.

positiveinput says...

Well she assuring herself another job cause she sure knows one aint coming from your nor me.

positiveinput says...

Mr. Greenslade, how many wanted persons in Nassau was apprehended from residents yet no one here was reported arrested (eg. man who shot police in the hospital). Its good to know people are simply "fed up" with crime, its just up to the police to get on the same page.

On Man accused of harbouring a wanted man

Posted 12 July 2012, 6:19 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

A picture say a thousand words. Isn't it nice to see that when officers were on patrol in a community they assisted some residents with essential groceries (probably a nice old disable citizen). God bless their hearts. Protect and Serve comes in many forms.

On 'Job cuts show a Bahamas divided'

Posted 12 July 2012, 6:08 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Clear something up for me, besides the 80 persons that did not get their contracts renewed, how many persons in total was apart of this Urban Renewal. Although its sad to hear a person loosing their job, the fact still remains both political parties are responsible for playing 'see-saw' with these U.R. Centers. Let me give you guys a political tip for next election, especially those whose jobs could be affected by its outcome. Sure your political preference should be freely expressed but remember the manner in which you cast your vote; in privacy only between you and God.

As for Ms Karen Brown (directly), you commented in the article, "You should have come and let (the manager) call a meeting and say to us we're not going to be renewed". So besides the method used for your termination, you're quite ok with being terminated - so whats the problem. Six and a half dozen - same thing. Take spoiters advise and next time tell the politicians no to their job offers when you know others would be affected. When one door is closed, another opens, but not if you stay standing in front of the first closed door.

On 'Job cuts show a Bahamas divided'

Posted 12 July 2012, 5:58 a.m. Suggest removal