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positiveinput says...

You're right 'concernedcitizen' but look at our hoodlums when travelling. No one needs to tell them remove their shoes or belt when passing security. No one needs to tell them have a valid drivers licence to rent a vehicle. No one needs to tell them to buckle up their seat belts when a car is in motion. These same hoodlums know how to use yes sir, no sir, good morning, excuse me and so on when appropriate. Yet thats when they are in a foreign country, however when they are in their own homeland all of this training they pocess vanishes. Why, I guess because there is no visible and swift punishment for those who dont know how to act in public. The time for us to part-take in various opportunities have long gone but thankfully if we teach our children now, someday, their children would not be judge because of the actions of the simple minded.

positiveinput says...

Well its safe to say the one dropped off to the police station sure wasn't a false alarm lol. Now how is it that if ICS is paid to monitor the 'accussed offenders', at no time did they alert the police that a bracelet was tampered with whether or not it being a false alarm was questionable. Lets see, this bracelet was removed from the human body and was transported to a police station yet the monitoring company never alerted the police stating monitored individual 'John Doe' seems to have remove his bracelet and is now unmonitered. Thats equalent to breaking out of jail, dont you think. I dont know about you'll but, why again is my tax dollars funding this jokers wild security firm.

If a security firm is paid to monitor your house and every week someway, somehow a stray animal manages to set off the alarm system; for each occurance, the firm should investigate alerting the police to stand-by. But it shows that although this firm is being paid, after noticing week after week say a mouse in your house is triggering off your alarm motion system, they are just taking your money and not checking. Despite the amount of times false alarms may have occurred, for each time that security firm should have notified the police to stand-by whilst they investigate the nature of the bracelet being triggered.

I cant remember how much it was reported takes to fund the monitoring of an individual to that of having them in Fox Hill Prison but is sure hope for the length of time this particular individual was monitored, the government gets a credit or refund. Now lets look at the bigger picture, how come the police haven't let the public know who this unmonitored suspect is and to be on the look out for him/her cause this person have now broken out of jail custody in some sense.

On Electronic tag system to be upgraded

Posted 8 July 2012, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

One thing about you JohnBrown your comments do make sense but we still must realize that as Bahamians, we put ourselves in the position we are in. Just look at our news the other day; teenagers stabbing one another over a dice game. Judge what would happen in a casino. Staff members at our local number houses are being verbally insulted because a ticket WE purchased and left the establishment was incorrect after being urged to check for accuracy before leaving.

Again I stress the meaningful sense of your comment of the beaches but again the attitude and manner of which some Bahamians conduct themselves is having a negative affect on US as the total population. I worked for a few months on a public beach occupied by visitors and locals and again the locals there portrayed a negative look for the entire population. Visitors would be sun tanning wearing their beach-wear and the locals (mainly males in small groups) would stare and in some cases disturb the guests with their annoying and senseless conversations. In most situations besides the female guests requiring security assistance, most of them were with partners which escalated a different level of problem when their partner whom left to go to the restroom or juice-bar would return.

Its sad that the innocent must suffer for the guilty but the best we could do now is to teach our younger generation the 'doos' and 'donts' so that in the future the good would out weigh the bad. Bahamians know better but like I stated weeks back we only tend to do what is inspected of us and not what is expected. For months our law officials have been stressing the importance of the use of seat belts, whereas for years when we travel abroad we always knew. Again, the greater percentage of the population is only doing what is inspected of them, making it hard for the percentage whom know what is expected to participate in various fields.

positiveinput says...

Besides the government giving the businesses payouts, why isnt this construction company assisting. The main problem is the length of time their completed work is taking. I dont know who in their right mind signs a contract with no deadline stated to penalise the contractor by. For a licensed company, look at the bull-crap they are doing. I mean you trying to get out of a corner but they have their diversion signs blocking the view of the motorist and you are in the mercy of on coming traffic not to be hit. The Shell Gas Station on Carmicheal and Blue Hill road is a diversion-way; wow, how the hell could you send traffic thru a gas station's property and my gosh these things the public could see and this company hasn't even seen one ticket from the traffic police. Although the government is considering means of compensation, this road works company should be held part responsible also. Even the roads that are considered completed has service-holes (man-holes)are inches above the road level, so the dodge pot-holes game is at level two to dodge the metal lids. Sorry for those riding on rims and expensive tyres.

positiveinput says...

you see that hey

positiveinput says...

Do you think now the police force would voluntarily pay some means of child support to Mr. Desmond Keys children knowing that because their father died at the hands of one of their own officers in one of their own stations or thats another matter that must be drawn out for years.

positiveinput says...

Yes Atlantis, look forward to an increase in bookings to help payoff your debt. Unfortunately, all those whom got laid off are in some cases still trying to put their shattered finance puzzle back together. With the completion of Bahamar, being the mega resort of the Bahamas would no longer be your title and your just deserve is coming.

On Optimism over Atlantis bookings

Posted 29 June 2012, 6:15 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

if you want swift action hearsay information of talking bad about a judge must be involved lol

On This time, a boy, 17, accused of murder

Posted 29 June 2012, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

he's probably the son of the throne remover

On This time, a boy, 17, accused of murder

Posted 29 June 2012, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Didn't the PLP started out urban renewal. So for 80 so called FNM supporters to have contracts that needed to be renewed, wouldn't that mean during the FNM term of governing a percentage of PLP supporters were terminated. Both parties playing ring-around-the-rosie in this matter which should not have been, and its sad that persons means of providing for their families are involved and affected. My point of view is that if this is a persons sole means of providing for their families, as a Government, that means should not be touched unless the individual was unfit for the job (got fired). When powerful - be merciful. You're put there to govern and look out for the Bahamian people, not just the PLP people. I voted PLP so don't think I'm just another unhappy FNM supporter. Election time done over anyway and one promise I sure can remember is that more jobs would be created, not shuffled. It was mentioned that Dr. Minnis government was late in appointing boards, so clear this up, did the PLP appointed a board prior or because they're in power their board is just placed. I'm sure if Peter saw Paul doing something, for security, he would do likewise. We are all Bahamians, so stay true to your promise in providing for a better Bahamas which includes all bahamians.

And as for the FNM who took the time to follow the police around, it shows you had nothing to do so why didn't you assist the police by taking the (look like grocery) bags to its destination. That picture could easily assist the public in seeing how the officers went beyond their call of duty to supply some members of a community with much need essentials. Both parties need to stop playing games and trying to find fault. Bunch of lil children dread.