Comment history

positiveinput says...

It was simply because I was commenting on the persons whom had outstanding bills, they may not have been in the amount of Mr Millers claim but regardless they both owed. Now here you come along pointing a finger at me like I was speaking to you. You post your bill is paid in full so obvious my comments was not meant for you. Thats when I post please have a seat backstage, or did you want me to tell you shut up I wasn't talking to you. Now you want to comment self importance at its worst, again my post was for customers with unpaid bills but still you ended up thinking you're so important so it includes you.

Bahamians have a very serious problem of taking words or phrases for its natural meaning. "have a seat backstage" use in this context meant that because I was talking to persons with outstanding balances, which did not include you, 'the stage' (my focus or comments) was not for you.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 23 June 2012, 6:17 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Wow it came so easy to be corrected when we just lay our cards on the table. From you stating that you dont have young children now, I just took it to mean you dont have kids but you easily corrected me. Thats how we should be with our debates so we both teach other. See you around in the other headlines.

On Randy Fraser appeal thrown out

Posted 23 June 2012, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Normally I dont see things your way and especially 242, but I have to say we on the same team with this. If I may also suggest to you when you have kids, make sure keep a comfortable friendly relationship with him/her or them. Yes make them respect you but at the same time make them feel like you both are just like friends so when something negative tries to happen to them, they will not hesitate to alert you from the beginning. Oh buy the way before this blog required us to sign up, one of my friends screen name was concern citizen - lol- you stole it.

On Randy Fraser appeal thrown out

Posted 22 June 2012, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

When I posted my comment it was referring to the persons lashing out at Mr Miller whom also owes BEC. This the first time I even noticed your screen name or for sure its not present above so how could I have meant you or anyone who was not posting a comment. However seeing that you want to feel important, No Stameko I was not assuming that everyone in the Bahamas is like me. Happy now, a response just for you. Furthermore non of my comments suggested all the Bahamas, just those commenting and still have outstanding bills. Life's a stage but unfortunately its not your time to come on. Please have a seat backstage and hold on to your paid in full receipts. Oh by the way I was enjoying your points until you got carried away and wanted to boast of your hugh accomplishment in life.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 22 June 2012, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I dont know none of the people but if mention that an offerring will be taken in aid of furneral expense I will pass the ceremony to offer a small donation. Besides these kids attending our schools and sharing the same classrooms with our kids in general they were human-beings and thanks to Mr. Cox along with the others mentioned, they will be remembered as. Rest in peace, your journey is over. : (

positiveinput says...

You said so much by just quoting three scriptures. Good looking out 509

On Randy Fraser appeal thrown out

Posted 22 June 2012, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So to keep good customer service a business must go into or above profit to ship the sale, or if it's outrageous see if the customer would be willing to pay the shipping, lol. If its outrageous to the store it sure would be to the customer. Why not just show good customer service by simply greeting the customers when entering the store, explaining the situation and giving them a simple inexpensive gift (Bahamas key chain). See if when they return to their homeland they would tell a friend dispite technical difficulties, those Bahamians sure know how to be friendly. When you take your trip there just keep a few cash on hand.

On BTC told 'give us better service'

Posted 22 June 2012, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Taking your anger management suggestion let me ask you with no attitude. Wouldn't the rehab center be a place of lockdown, just not H.M.P.? You mentioned sometimes criminals abscond from the Centers, don't they the same with prison? Sometimes they recommit the crime..., don't persons whom went to prison sometimes recommit the crime. Now I'll agree with you that Minister Nottage should of have mentioned the existance of the Rehab Center in his statement along with community service or fines but I'm sure he's not trying to paint a picture that if you're a petty criminal just come for some rehab and go. No attempts in anything proves 100% effective however the attempt in this case is to try focus on mentally changing a petty criminal's view of life to make better of him/herself.

positiveinput says...

Yes those were my words and like i also stated providing service/products that potential customers want but from the other company cannot afford. When I mentioned reenter it was to avoid the buying back of the first BTC cause like stated, whats done is done. The use of the word competitor applies because both companies would be in the same industry or maybe yes my choice of word was wrong and I should have used alternative. Lexus/Toyota, both are vehicles but one version offers lower features. Lexus isn't there to compete with toyota but to offer the same service (an automobile) to a selected sort of customers. Which brings us back to my statement of 'but only target a specific service'. Then we have start-up which followed the phrase more-or-less. That was just a term for the independent venture cause we both know the government has already been in the telecommunication industry, so this venture could not possible be start-up comprehended for 'face value'. Now 242 you stated "once again you (positiveinput/myself) just prove my (242) point with another excellent example of SAME company different product". All profits from different products are going to the same company and if there are different products, my choice of using the (key) word competitor is just replaced with alternative so the governments still comes out profitable. You state your point is same company different products, which supports my point that if the government opens a independent telecommunication company, because they are offering different products/alternative, they will still obtain a profit seeing that different product attracts different customers. So the alternative (competitive as I earlier used) products would gain a profit from those customers whom were unable or unwilling to support BTC, along with the profits from the shares owned from BTC.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 22 June 2012, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Yes he did mentioned treatment and rehabilitation but that came after stating prison shoud be the last resort of punishment. Whatever the means of punishment is given (community service, pay a fine etc other than prison) then treatment and rehabilitaion to curve an individual from returning to the system would be the main focus. Again I will agree with you that before producing an incomplete solution Minister Nottage should have had a better walk thru ready for press but his intent was never to make criminals think they would not be punished.