Comment history

positiveinput says...

Your comment was "Can Minister Nottage please stop speaking in public... now he saying 'Go ahead commit petty crimes cuz you will not be punished". What the hell you read to comprehend him saying that. Minister Nottage stated, "PRISON should, as far as possible, be the last resort for persons charged or convicted of non-violent, petty crimes. Prison is a source of punishment therefore using the phrase last resort means that there will be punishment but prison should be the last option. You always quick to think someone wants to insult you when you yourself is throwing the first insulting stone. Do you not class commenting can Minister Nottage close his mouth in public as an insult? Or by assuming he is telling petty criminals to commit crime cause there will be no punishment a form of referring to him as an idiot. Whose the one really blindly replying not forgetting the attempt to insult. And no its not mere anger towards you, its just sickening when I see a person like yourself, take anothers words and rearrange them to have a totally untrue meaning. The only part of your first comment that made sense and I will agree with anyone who makes sense is the last sentence. Still even with your comment, YOU still omitted the criminals means of punishment. When Minister Nottage stated, "focus should be on treatment and rehabilitation" he never mention prior to that what punishment would be handed down first but again referring to his opening sentence, a form of punishment would exist.

positiveinput says...

Still from some point in time it started from 1 so my point is that no matter the amount when it comes to a BEC bill cause you side-track on the word murder, no matter what the amount of anyones bill is, once they own they are no better than the next whom may owe more.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 22 June 2012, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

You focusing on just the word murder when the point is that if Mr. Miller owes so much ($300,000) and the person/s chanting this out owes ($1.00) they are just as bad as Mr. Miller. Like you stated its only a matter before the 300 turns to 301, likewise it only a matter before the 1 turns to 2. They all owe but because their amount is less only sees Mr. Miller of doing wrong.

On spoitier

Posted 22 June 2012, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

SAME company different products. You gat it so far, now lets just drop the automotive origin history lesson and focus on the point being made. Any of those companies could have left the other name brand alone, but to obtain more SALES and further PROFIT they didn't. The Government having shares in BTC is gaining from their 'new technology' investment (lets call it investment Lexus). Now from observation there seem to be potential customers with moneis to spend but not the amount to obtain the Lexus package, so the Government from a portion of the profit acquired from its first investment further goes and offer by itself a Toyota package. Now those potential customers whom had monies to spend are now able to be profit giving customers. Now when it all boils down the money from the shares from BTC along with the Government's Telecommunication Branch(Toyota investment) all ends up in the public treasury making it like you say the SAME company different products. Seeing that I have your attention more with cars as the example; locally there is a place called One Stop Auto and another called SouthSide Auto. Both are owned by the same company but offer different products (new vs used). Do you think their purpose is to compete with itself or to obtain profitable customers from allllll financial walks of life. Or Friendly Ford/Sanpin Motors.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 22 June 2012, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

My point was if one person Murders 300 people and another murder one, all is murder. Likewise all those whom chanting out Mr. Millers bill, I'm sure they also owe BEC, and its not a matter of the amount or time period its owed, they still owe but opening their mouth. Those of you running on about privatising BEC, think a private company would have the compassion BEC having now when it comes to disconnection. Hell no, they would not even try to sneak in your yard, they coming even if you having Sunday or Thanksgiving dinner to shut your power off once you owe.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 22 June 2012, midnight Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Lexus/Toyota, Cadillac/GMC, Ford/Lincoln, Infiniti/Nissan. Those are the same companies, offering different products.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 21 June 2012, 11:37 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Walk with me 242. The article is about Downtown Merchants. You're suggestion was to take the customers info and either have them call the next day or you (the shop) would ship the products to them. Most of their customers are tourist. Tourist from off the cruise ships. The cruise ships that only stop over for a few hours. So where would they be the next day to call the store --- Out to sea. Now you said take their credit card info and ship the products to them when they are probably from the other side of the WORLD, not island, WORLD. So to ship an item just to make a sale costs the store owner how much compare to the sale profit? Oh but wait, me being a tourist, I just remembered I'm on a cruise and would stop to another Caribbean Island with similar products whom credit card machines are working for me to make my various purchase. Don't lie, you vote FNM hey?

On BTC told 'give us better service'

Posted 21 June 2012, 11:06 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Using just the information from your above comment 242, even if they use funds from the profit they receive from their 49% and referring to my earlier comment I post of open a competing company, you would remember I stated to target one particular set of customers. Therefore they would target customers whom cannot afford this upgrade service from BTC or whom just fed up with BTC on the whole. Now besides the 49% from BTC, they would further collect from the new company they established. Lexus/Toyota, Infiniti/Nissan, Cadillac/GMC, Ford/Lincoln. See the picture I'm painting, those whom can't afford the top model still could obtain a similar and the same company benefits.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 21 June 2012, 10:42 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

How could that be classed as a murder?

On Two dead after shootout with police

Posted 21 June 2012, 10:24 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

If they start from scratch, whats the problem. The way you guys discribe BTC when it was purchased, its like CWC started from scratch so why cant a BLACK man start a company from scratch. For all you care you should be glad the government sold out the remaining shares cause BTC is just like the Titanic. The selling was the iceberg and eventually it will find its way to the bottom.

On BEC chairman Miller vows to lower bills

Posted 21 June 2012, 10:15 p.m. Suggest removal