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positiveinput says...

It is surely not a coincidence that the BTC network troubles have escalated since the PLP election win. Yes it could be sabotage but you said it yourself "troubles have escalated". What happens when you dont fix a problem. Come on you said it before, it whats, e s c a l a t e s. Why not assume that the new owners themselves are in too deep. CWC is happy you guys pointing fingers for them but knowing the faults origin. Thank goodness its just a 4G cause I hate to see the glitches that comes with 10G upgrade lol.

positiveinput says...

Check out their logo - BTC your connection to the world. I cant even get connected to them lmao.

On BTC told 'give us better service'

Posted 21 June 2012, 8:09 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I was wondering how come because a hand full of merchants claimed they just wanted better service, to this reporter thats the entire demand of the customers. BTC even before this black out was crappy. You call their internet support line you're getting a recording stating for faster service log on... Jackasz (BTC) if a person is calling for technical support their main problem is that they have no internet. This black out was just to open everyones eyes on the mess BTC has 'upgraded' to. Bahamians have been loosing to BTC from the sell-over in the terms of getting a monthly bill with no full monthly service. A spokes person said on 'Real Talk' that dispite the disruptions he some times tell people if they would have mind for BTC to shut down for a month while they did their upgrades. So same way he saw logic in that, BTC should not mine for customers to not be charged for a month whilst they do their upgrade. Good thing these persons are not in the medical field and bought out the hospital.

On BTC told 'give us better service'

Posted 21 June 2012, 8:07 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Wheres the majority. The percentage that didn't vote PLP still did not keep the PLP out. You forgot one important rule - united we stand, divided YOU fall. Stop looking for friends bout the majority. Now you want buddy buddy with the DNA to make your majority, my my my.

positiveinput says...

How could you not have an idea on sales lost. From the road work began when evey business noticed a drop in sales; average your monthy sales or better yet on the day the black out struck (Monday 18th June, 2012) average your businesses Monday daily income from the start of the road work. If there was any sales during the Black Out day subtract that amount from your average amount and you will find your answer. I'm was very pissed that day of the black out but half you merchants complaining probably see Monday as a slow day; but before you just express that you're just pissed, you perfer to claim the loss of sales with no proof. Now I'm not defending BTC, cause from the sale I compared it to a lump of goat droppings, yet still fair is fair when accusing someone to compensate for a loss. Some of you supported the sale for better service soooo you've made you bed now lay in it. Unfortunately some innocent people now have to sleep hard also.

On BTC told 'give us better service'

Posted 20 June 2012, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

There is strength in numbers. We just need the active support of the public and not the talking support.

On 'Cable Beach is being destroyed'

Posted 20 June 2012, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

From the previous government an easy solution was given. Allocate a specific portion of government property and make it law that any scrap metal agent must operate from off that premises. The government have given these scrap metal agents too long to get their act together in assisting these thieves, so now is the time to step in. Using the government property, any scrap metal to be cashed in must be inspected by a government official. The government officals then value the material and then it would be up to a scrap metal agent to purchase the quantity of metal on site. The agents then secure their purchases in on site trailers/containers which when full are locked and an authorised seal placed accross its opening. By doing this the government has now created new jobs and a new source of revenue. When transported to the shipyards, the containers are inspected again to assure the seal was not tampered with for the purpose of adding or exchanging stolen goods to the shipment. If Freeport scrap metal agents are anything like Nassau's they are located all about in the bush (eg. pass Bacardi Road opposite where Cowpen Road comes out to Carmicheal Road. Who is to regulate what they are shipping out of the country?

On Police vexed by copper thefts

Posted 20 June 2012, 7:26 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Bahamians do what is INspected of them not what is EXpected. Therefore when an officer claims there is no patrol car to assist in a complaint, because no higher authority figure questions why wasn't there a vechile available, no better is done. As simply as travelling thru the airport, because it is INpected of us to remove our shoes, belt etc, we do it before even told to; but let there be no airport authority besides the personnel behind the carry-on bag x-ray, you'll see how easily we forget simple requirements. Even with this Urban Renewal Project, it is Expected that when a person reaches a certain age, to obtain a job is ones desire. However if not INspected to obtain and keep a job, some persons forget the lawful requirements of obtaining money. Look at the above picture, its EXpected of a male when entering a building to remove his hat, but again because no one INspected them to do so -

On Businesses asked to help fight crime

Posted 20 June 2012, 6:39 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I was strongly against the sale of BTC but whats done is done. Nobody sells a product to purchase it back, so if the government sees it necessary to still be in the telephone service simply re-enter as a competitor but only target a specific service (land or cellphone) by using just a percentage of the profit from the sale. Provide competitive prices to a customer population that would not be a strain to the governments treasury. When that more-or-less start up company gets on the way and profit if obtain, gradually expand and venture into other services where affordable and profitable.

positiveinput says...

With out dfi we perish is like saying without water we would perish - correct? Now say you're obtaining that water in large amounts but from a contaminated source. Help me out with this oh educated one.

On FNM launches investigation into issues

Posted 20 June 2012, 5:42 a.m. Suggest removal