Comment history

positiveinput says...

Speaking of disconnecting too many of its customers at one time. Ever considered for BEC to pay their bills they need the customers (us) to pay ours. I was affected by the black out also but half of these people who complaining if not two thirds have large outstanding bills with the company. Thats not a souse house for the homeless so how could one complain that BEC needs to upgrade its equipment if no one is paying their bill. At the end of the month the majority of us Bahamians leave a balance on our utility bills yet we expect the portion we pay to be sufficient for BEC to purchase fuel, pay staff, maintain equipment and in some cases purchase new equipment. I strongly hope another black out doesn't occur but still we as Bahamians need to do our part before we expect better from another. Now before you blame BEC for disconnecting 'customers', blame them for not paying their bills. Remember the saying, 'You only get what you pay for.' Well with BEC its the other way around, 'You only pay for what you get'. These same people who claiming they cant afford to pay for what they already obtained should be ashame of themselves, cause every year they travel abroad purchasing bigger flat screen tv's, air conditioners and other appliances. Then you have homes where one house have a meter and extension cords run to about six more homes, so how is it BEC must average the load their generators are expected to handle. Snoop Dogg have a saying that applies right now, "Everyone have their cups but they aint chipped in".

positiveinput says...

Speaking of the impact your encouragement had on students especially myself, todays teachers need a little one on one from individuals like yourself (Mr. Howard Newbold). Just the mere presence of a person like yourself made a student act in the most mannerly way. And no it was not out of fear, it was because of the way you encourage us (students) to respect ourselves. That level of respect you required us to have for ourselves was helpful in everyway possible. (1) It made us as students take pride in our appearance.
(2) As students, we took pride in our education
(3) As students whom respected ourselves, we respected others.

More teachers like you need to come around to ensure that when the parents runs that first leg of education and discipline this race could be completed in a winning position.

On Bid to open horizons for deaf students

Posted 20 June 2012, 4:42 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Thats good Mr. Fitzgerald. Dont be apart of the talkers (Mr. Bell). Keep up the good work and dedication. Oh and thumbs up to Mr Newbold. From C. H. Reeves time you made sure encourage all students to achieve the very best in life and never gave up on us. Thank You.

On Bid to open horizons for deaf students

Posted 20 June 2012, 4:13 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Compensation! lol. The man done say they going to take stock to move forward to decide on compensation with other promotional package. So all they going to do is sell more products at cheap prices where basically they are the ones getting more phones or phone cards sold. From the other week when BTC apologize for the drop in phone calls where it was a fact that cellphone credits was lost nobody open their mouths about compensation. But now that everyone is furious watch this so call compensation. You think you seeing alot of those lil $20 samsung phones around, wait tell the price drop to $15 with $1 top up on it - lol. You could talk down on the old Batelco all you want, but I sure by now cousin James would have done text me saying boy they giving out minutes check ya phone. After their so call compenastion watch who really benefits from it with more product sales to ensure more "loyal customers".

On FNM launches investigation into issues

Posted 20 June 2012, 3:52 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

BTC was sold during the FNM time as government whom promise better service to the people in doing so. That was the individuals purpose of mentioning the FNM. You're saying not everything that happens in the Bahamas is political, but whom else sold BTC and made a promise. Thats the only reason the FNM name came up or should she have said John Doe. Now pause again and move the mirror before you say IDIOT.

On FNM launches investigation into issues

Posted 20 June 2012, 3:22 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

good response bahamagyal

On FNM launches investigation into issues

Posted 20 June 2012, 3:06 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I'm one who was against the selling of BTC, but whats done is done. Now if the government sees it necessary to be mixed up with a telephone company, why not invest some of the profit obtain from the sale in operating a smaller phone company targeting a specific (hard line or cell phone) customers. Doing this, competitive prices can be offered then gradually they can expand in the market where needed. For future competition to come, I'm sure they would do the same not try to just up and open at the large scale of BTC. New equiptment would be used so the hassel of upgrading old ones would not be a factor. One never sell a product to buy it back.

On [img/photos/2012/06/19/btc_poll_.jpg]

Posted 20 June 2012, 2:55 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Their exact term was ripping out an old platform to install a new one. So I'm wondering if this new platform is being installed, whats with the malfunctions already. Orrrr is it this platform is only NEW to the Bahamas.

On BTC to pay up over disruption

Posted 19 June 2012, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Stop imagining cause BTC sure wasn't bought off ebay. They knew just what they were getting into cause no one with a business head makes a blind purchase. You have the nerve to comment on the government runned staff, yet still mentioned how present staff needs to be updated and motivated, so wheres the difference. Why motivate someone to do their job; their pay should be all the motivation they need. Hope you dont work there cause you probably want a tip somehow if you're just a directory assistant. Then some of you talk about selling Bahamasair, guest then their disruption would be a plane crash, but because the flights leave on time and no baggage was lost, that would be another good sale. You got an upgrade on technology, thick, but all this islandwide failure shows what in dependabiliby.

On BTC to pay up over disruption

Posted 19 June 2012, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Speaking of drive thru, whats with the McDonalds Down Town accepting walk-up orders after the doors have been closed. By doing that customers in vehicles are delayed for long periods in the rear of the building making them easy targets for robbery, etc.

On Shot in row over woman

Posted 18 June 2012, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal