Comment history

positiveinput says...

Why comment cameras would soon be placed in interrogation rooms. The young man that died in custody was found in his 'cell' unresponsive. He never made it to the interrogation room so what benefit any future incident has with cameras being installed unless the hallways to the holding cell obtain cameras also. Again may I stress yes we want the criminals off the streets, but in a manner that is respected by the publc.

On 'Police brutality will be punished'

Posted 18 June 2012, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Yes PKMShack, better technology is being offered but its at the customers expense. You may assume because the rates are lower and a percentage of texting is free it all good but stop and look for just one minute. BTC is insuring the need for customers to purchase more and more credit but because they're mentioning new technology, most people cannot see BTC's gain from it. Your advise was to keep doing what you doing but slowly but surely BTC is backing the pre paid customer into a corner. The option of transferring credit to another pre paid customer has been removed and pretty soon the minimum top up amount will increase. Gee soon they might even start a pre paid card at ten dollars, but its better technology so lets pay more or bundle up another monthly bill.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 15 June 2012, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Could not have said it better.

positiveinput says...

but with the minimum post paid package, the could give four per paid phones minimum credit instead of the nearly eighty dollars one would need.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 14 June 2012, 11:11 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

There was a talk show today 14/06/12 wtih the rep from BTC the guest. My question of roll over minutes was answered whereas he stated there would be no roll over minutes at 'this point'. Again using mothers saying, I'm sure your mother expected you to know not to spend twice for monies worth. Or not to throw money down the drain which you would be doing when you cant use all of your cell phone credit by the end of a months period.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 14 June 2012, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Yes you right but even though I heard so much about eg. 90, that doesn't give me the right to spread hear say. Or if I have proof of what I'm saying, like I told bobbywright, assist the police with proof and don't slander a persons name with hear say. When you commented on the individuals nickname, I simply pointed out that a nickname in some cases does not match a persons character eg. Pastor/Rev = unlawful sex.

positiveinput says...

Stopping "broken English (disguised as Bahamianees), in forums such as this , talk shows etc... yet, this is a part of travelling... experiencing language... those where two of your points, so If thats how the majority of Bahamian talk, then thats Bahamianees. So the few whom speak different are the ones in disguised.

positiveinput says...

So on YOUR trips you expect to learn and comprehend a whole new language in mere days. Just say your trip was for a month, what was the purpose, to learn a new language or vacation. Might as well took Fitzgerald up on his opportunity to learn it right at home. Meant for Arob

positiveinput says...

Is not "obviously" because 350,000 still exceeds 249,000 so its a possibility the 249,000 still could be correct. Besides within the 350,000 registered Bahamians, how many of them own more that one cell phone. How much non-registered Bahamians own a cell phone. How much illegal immigrants own a cell phone.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 13 June 2012, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So like I was saying, if I switch to post-paid and choose any package, when credit is left over from the previous month, what happens to it. Does it roll over to the next month, or does it becomes void. Again every month your new post-paid bill comes so if you had existing credit using your mothers words, "You can't have money and moneys worth. You have to choose..." Why choose to get moneys worth when you already had it.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 13 June 2012, 11:27 a.m. Suggest removal