Comment history

positiveinput says...

Which is the mis-print. BTC is said to have 47,000 post-paid customers and 29,000 pre-paid. Yet under the business section of the paper the pre-paid amount is 249,000. Now when you just jump and say how the sale of BTC was good, stop and think. These rates for post-paid may seem low but to have an active cell phone, one must have at least 20 bucks a month. Think you would be able to send a relative/friend credit from your phone. Or think the credit unused would roll over to the next month. Besides if the credit rolls over, BTC still would charge you for whatever monthly package you desire, so more or less you are forced to spend for something you have or unnecessarily use up your credit to assure you dont lose it. All that glitters isnt gold, remember that. It might be chains but chains of bill bondage.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 12 June 2012, 9:36 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Question, the upgrades seems to lean heavily on the post-paid benefits, but does the pre-paid customers have any benefits or is this a way to encourage pre-paid customers to transfer over to post-paid staking up another monthly bill. I doubt the ability to transfer credit would continue, so in an event where a person could top up with as little as a dollar, the total amount of pre-paid customers are now assured by BTC to be subject to the minimum monthly fee. Lets see now; my phone, my wife's phone along with my two kids phone using post paid would be cent from eighty dollars a month. However you think thats a good move wth no pay raise but making you feel you're getting better service you're now a slave to another monthly bill.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 12 June 2012, 7:55 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Thats more like it, I started to doubt this government only hearing from Mr. Bell loud mouth all the time. Keep him muzzle down and carry on.

On Poor dredging forcing cruise ships away

Posted 12 June 2012, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

What were they storing in that car wash cause its hard to swallow that regular machinery that was in there could produce all that flame. Out with the old to make space for the new aye.

positiveinput says...

Yes Arob you make a good point. Still for a tourist speaking a foreign language (spanish) do you think that at some point their english comprehension would leave them handicap. If our citizens are only equipt with english what assistance could we offer to a tourist with limited english comprehension. Its not a matter of boosting the South Florida economy, its a matter of being able to literally accommodate the South Florida travellers to boost our Bahamian economy. Just say you was to travel to a spanish speaking country, how you think your trip would be if not even the cab driver, hotel front desk agent or travel agents to return home would be if no one knew english?

positiveinput says...

bobbywright - Seriously, the tribune should have been able to give your information to the police, cause you big mouth people whom just spreading rumors need to be interigated by the police for knowing so much but proving so little. If you're not man enough to assist the police with your 500 per pop information, shut the phuck up - real talk. Look how much poeple in the past professional name was Pastor or Rev. yet they were arrested for unlawful sex. Now because a person 'nickname' is "Die" your assuming him to be some dark angel of death.

positiveinput says...

Cmiller, if that is what teachers would say or think then they cant feel bad when students dont respect them. Their motivation should be the salary they receive to do their job. We complained that our children are out of hand, so now that they're receiving encouragement - let it be. Children often mimic what they see so for a student to notice a teacher disrespecting their authority figure guest who they (the students) will disrespect. Anyway anything to encourage a child to do better is worth a try. With a student equipt with education, this whole Bahamaland, even the world would spin better.

positiveinput says...

Yes very good, and try don't sit next to Mr Bell cause like in a classroom he will only distract you.

positiveinput says...

Well Mr Maynard, take a look again and see that up to last night 11/05/12 the garbage has already began to be thrown on the floor. The excuse of garbage being collected is just the excuse by lazy nasty Bahamians for why that first mess was there. Why would you take a bag full of garbage and just rest it NEXT to the bin. There are forklift-pallets making stairs to easily reach the top of the large bin, yet some nasty persons still finds it easier to throw their trash on the floor.

positiveinput says...

With the comment made by monkbh, how is it that a comment post by him/her 45 minutes ago falls in between two comments post 4 hours 14 minutes ago and 3 hours 28 minutes ago. Shouldn't his comment reflect a time in between the other two posts.

On Search for truth over death in cell

Posted 11 June 2012, 4:19 p.m. Suggest removal