Comment history

positiveinput says...

Under the FNM government, yes there were countless times the pick up of garbage was delayed especially in the Claridge Road area, and when the truck did come around the driver had the multi-task of driving and coming out the truck to put the garbage in the back by himself. Back then the Minister didn't have to tell me take my trash to the dump cause thats in a clean individuals nature. Many times I hired a truck to despose of my garbage or stopped a private company to accept it cause when the government truck did come around the collectors trying to 'tax' you to do their paid jobs, so you might as well had hired a private truck. To show the before and after pictures of the Fish Fry property again just proved the nasty nature of those stall owners. That bin in the picture was not over-rim with garbage so the garbage that was on the floor was to be regrouped by the stall owners and placed neatly in the bin.

positiveinput says...

And What was your question again, oh yes, Were you there? So don't alleged

On Ex-policeman faces delay in sentence

Posted 11 June 2012, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Good looking out MartGM, the site was very helpful.

positiveinput says...

thank you Mercy

On Search for truth over death in cell

Posted 11 June 2012, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

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On Search for truth over death in cell

Posted 11 June 2012, 1:09 p.m.

positiveinput says...

1plpgovernment, you were very harsh however your point taken. Still when is it that a Suspect is automatically a criminal. Just say your child or family member is picked up by the police just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. His dress code fits that of an arm robber. Now instead of being a suspect, by your judgement the police sees him as a criminal; what would you say if you was Ms Mckenzie now.

On Search for truth over death in cell

Posted 11 June 2012, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

And for concerncitizen, when you drag a suspect into court on his behind, dont wonder why he wins his case claiming - judge you see how they drag me and all I was saying to them was let me put my shoes on cause the ground hot. And judge the police beat me to get me sign that statement. Stop giving these individuals a trump card to use against you. You express your past but I also experienced being robbed, having my house broken into, my car stolen, but to give a 'suspect' the benefit of claiming police brutality with the chance of winning a case should be the last objective.

positiveinput says...

myopinion I guest my comment wasn't clear. What I was saying in a nut shell was for officers to carry out their duties professionally. By this, maybe if the officer whom appears to be bexting wasn't he would have notice when the prisioner shoe fell off. Yes it could be seen he had shoes earlier so where were they then. If they fell off allow the prisioner to put them back on or place his shoes in his waistband. Like I stated, the Barefoot Bandit never had shoes but was given, so to wear shoes show that officers find it humane that a prisioner must have, so why give a Lawyer that avenue to argue for his clients rights. Although an individual may be considered a criminal, until the courts find him guilty carry out police duties effective to ensure no loop hold can be find to make a guilty man walk free.

positiveinput says...

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On Row over security

Posted 11 June 2012, 10:25 a.m.

positiveinput says...

Mr. Bell you're good at opening your mouth, so don't go quiet now. Make sure this lady gets satisfactory answers and where needed satifactory charges and judgement. I swear, the people ask for a change but we never stated in what. We didn't want a change in government, we want a change in the way this country is being run overall.

On Search for truth over death in cell

Posted 11 June 2012, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal