Comment history

positiveinput says...

Look at the bright side of it Mrs. Butler-Turner. For someone to come in your yard, God knows what there intension was. Like you said, your son was home, so if they had came to break in your son may have gotten harm. Thank God the car distracted them and they just left with that. Don't question what happened, find good in whatever bad these evil people do.

On Car stolen from yard of FNM deputy leader

Posted 19 September 2014, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Although Mrs. Butler-Turner may have left her keys in the car, who is to tell the key wasn't over the sun visor or in the arm rest. Point is like she stated her vehicle according to her was safe because her yard has a security gate and three dogs. In the view of an insurance claim, which I'm sure she has the least bit interest in, that's the only reason her actions is looked down for. Whether she had placed her key in the kitchen cupboard or under her pillow, wherever she left it in her gated yard, she felt was a suitable place. The focus here really should be on the person or persons who don't know what is there own to touch. I know how she feels cause the other day my house gas tank was stolen out the yard. No I don't have a gate, nor do I have dogs but to go outside and see that an individual has violated my private space like that was disturbing. Some people just don't have respect for others belongings, privacy or comfort. Now although Mrs. Butler-Turner may have recovered her car, she could ever leave home in comfort cause now she have to wonder what else these low life have entered her private property to remove or if some other bold person have now come to harm her and her family.

On Car stolen from yard of FNM deputy leader

Posted 19 September 2014, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I saw that video also. And I sure didn't hear no gun shot before they started, so I wonder what video the press personnel watched.

On Three shot during Fox Hill Day

Posted 15 August 2014, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So your saying a resort like Atlantis has a stand-by generator with the ability to run for more than three hours without refueling yet some human theory calculation decided not to have the tanks filled to capacity. That's a crop out excuse. Why have a generator with a specific fuel capacity if your not going to use it. That simply shows the comfort of its guest in not priority to that of a penny pinching resort.

positiveinput says...

With an article like this, don't be surprise if Mario's Bowling Palace, or one of the B.E.C. office experience a robbery. How could an amount like that be disclosed. Ever wondered why the amount in a robbery is never disclosed? Main reason, not to give other would be robbers an idea of where to find large sums of cash.

positiveinput says...

So aren't you just passing judgement by just reading this news article and saying, "That guy need to be lost in fox hill prison?" Were you in the room to see that he actually raped her? Maybe the sexual exchange went down and it was the friend whom may be older who brought the age of the individual up, and then rape was introduce to the equation.

On Man held after alleged rape at hotel

Posted 29 April 2014, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Be a principal cause he is only a suspect lol.

positiveinput says...

That's just Bahamians Pat. When the police 'seemingly' are not doing their jobs, 'WE' complain. Yet when they are, WE still complain. lol

positiveinput says...

No to mention the land lines that aren't even working yet still you are getting a bill for it. I had asked B.T.C. to terminate my service because it was so crappy I was not getting any, and after signing off on the request, not only I have learnt that the service was not terminated, they still billing me for something I don't get to use because they never sent a technician to fix it. Thank goodness for Cable Bahamas and their REV Voice.

On Fears of mass lay-offs at BTC

Posted 9 April 2014, 9:53 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Seems like in this modern day, we as Bahamians were the taddle tails of slavery. Only know to talk down on our very own.


Posted 9 April 2014, 9:13 p.m. Suggest removal