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positiveinput says...

If I was the one getting robbed, that story was going to be one I talk around the bar and not to the police.

positiveinput says...

John that all most Bahamians do. Its to bad the whiles telling others about a gym, people aren't telling them of furthering their education and returning to school.

On Fears of mass lay-offs at BTC

Posted 9 April 2014, 8:08 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Like Purcell stated "it is not nanny based fertilizer" commonly called manure. However this nutrient is blamed for water pollution, algal blooms and dead zones in lakes and ponds. So actually is that was a container load of shit, we would have been better off. Yet our officials only know something is being given free. Like the man say, "You only get what you pay for". My fellow Bahamians, please read up on the dangers of this gift and let our officials know the meaning of return to sender. Stop using the Bahamas as a dumping ground.

positiveinput says...

Did anyone of these officials read up on the dangers in making this fertilizer or the hazard that follows when introducing this product to the soil. All they know is something is being given out free and their wrist bends loosely to accept.

positiveinput says...

Didn't a fisherman whom went to dive up conch never resurface? So what good would that do. What about the various mail boat passengers? What about the persons sending parcels on the mail boats? What about the persons purchasing fish from the fishermen? To hell with all of that, yeah just enclose that area. Furthermore who is to say the body didn't float where it was discovered. Where the body was found doesn't mean that is where the body entered the waters.

positiveinput says...

And the bottom line is if they had paid their bill on time, the B.E.C workers would never had to come to their residence. One thing you leave out, those who were home could have been out working to help cut down the bill instead of running it up.

On Two arrests after attack on BEC staff

Posted 28 March 2014, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Tags means 'Identification' which the dog was not wearing. Then yes using your example of the individual wearing the hoody, ever saw someone walk in certain public setting and not ask to take it off (bank). Also in this real world persons who don't bother to buy their pets collars or give them a bath at home (using pet shampoo) are the very same who use the public beach to rid their animals of fleas and other skin disease. Ever wondered who gets 'charged' for Disorderly Conduct? Yep, an angry or aggravated person in public, so if present, the police are monitoring them.

Now lets really put the common sense to use. If you have your pet and wish they accompany you in a public setting (extract from your post...) "take responsiblity for your own actions" and at least have proper tags on them. Lets take it one step further. In your first post you describe your dog as a household pet. So if you want to bring your pet in public settings make sure it has proper tags or leave your house pet at where? HOME

On Police close six nightclubs and bars

Posted 28 March 2014, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

In your case BahamianAway your dog like you stated only wears (1) a collar with her name (2) your (the owners) home address (3) a telephone contact. Although again like you stated there is no special sign to show she is licensed, isn't that still a form of having proper tags which from my post wasn't present with the animal I saw. Then you went on to say, "If you are afraid of animals either say so before I settle with my dog and I will go elsewhere ... or if you met me there you go elsewhere." By you posting that you fully understand and are aware that some people are terrified of animals. So it all comes back to my point which you totally missed, the authorities need to monitor the animals that come to a public setting. Now this excludes you cause as you said your dog gets her shots and visits the vet regular but what about those persons whom bring their flea and tick infested animals to a public setting, let them scratch enabling their insects to be transfer among the bathers not to mention if the animal throws a fit and attacks someone.

My post totally excluded you cause like you said your dog is licensed so your comment I guess was to boast of your beloved fefee having her shots and being licensed. Yet again lets focus on you again supporting my point as you state in your second to final sentence, "the majority of attacks on humans by dogs were provoked attacks" So there still leaves a slim chance of someone whom brings their animal amongst strangers to have an accident.

On Police close six nightclubs and bars

Posted 25 March 2014, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Then another thing. You go to a Chinese restaurant/take away and their visible shelf is well stocked with various alcoholic drinks. At most of these establishment you have the daily customers (alcoholics) harassing the 'other' customers whom at times are with their families consisting of young children cause keep in mind this is also an eatery. How is it that the Business License Dept. could allow such sloppy existence to be carried on from these establishment. If one desires Chinese food you either have to leave your children home, or risk being harassed by a drunken outside the establishment's door, or have your child harassed if you even leave them in the car. (Prince Charles few doors down from Blanco Bleach especially). That's a matter as well authorities need to address.

On Police close six nightclubs and bars

Posted 25 March 2014, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

A next thing these law enforcers need to look into is the amount of persons bringing their animals to a public setting (the beach). These animal don't even have proper tags (license), but on a public beach individuals are bring their full grown dogs amongst people. Keep in mind some persons are terrified of certain animals. I watch a lady yesterday (Sunday 23, March) ran across the road without looking, a car had to slam breaks to avoid hitting her because another individual had a dog on the public beach. A dog could do just as much damage as a knife or even a gun and doesn't need the swing of a human hand or pull of a finger to be deadly, so why is it persons are allowed to carry these unlicensed animals in public settings.

On Police close six nightclubs and bars

Posted 24 March 2014, 7:48 p.m. Suggest removal