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positiveinput says...

With other accidents, police spokesperson are quick to question if speed was a factor. Lets see now if speed contributed to this mishap. Could this all had been avoided if the police vehicles were travelling at a moderate speed to enable itself to brake for sudden emergency stops. The first thing soon to be mention is the prison bus siren was on but considering Mama's age, she could have hearing difficulty. She was hit pulling out of a corner. Was it a blind corner that she had to pull out so far before she could even notice what was coming or if traffic had stop from hearing or seeing the prison bus approaching, Ma could of simply think that traffic was letting her out. Besides, who overtakes pass any corner without caution?

positiveinput says...

What is up? Vehicle break ins or car theft? Don't leave vehicles running..., and ...drivers should know their own license plate number.

On Rise in vehicle break-ins

Posted 16 January 2014, 3:07 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

The officer in the back need to observe how to handle an 'accused'. If that was him and the older officer, the accused always seems to be ruffed up. Look and learn how to professionally carry out your duties.

On Man faces court accused of Kemp Road killing

Posted 14 January 2014, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Even the media houses play them with no restrictions. Or just listen to some of the topics of these radio shows, (one 'girl' in particular cause she can't be a lady) besides the violence the music promotes, the topic the show host choose are degrading and have no moral structure what so ever. But to our young listeners, even some older ones, it seems right because they are hearing it over the radio airwave. Then we wonder why violence is up along with adultery, stealing etc.

On DNA leader calls for curfew to tackle crime

Posted 8 January 2014, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Your absolutely right. There are better problems that needs addressing however from the bible days the B.C.C. need to remember - during the feeding of the 5000, do you think it was only that amount living. Or while Noah was building the Ark, think he put his task at hand aside to gather 'lost sheep'. The B.C.C. has the right to voice their opinion, however its up to the people to take heed or give a deaf ear. Everyone is turning to the Government, why not the B.C.C. lend a helping hand with their multi-churches and thousands of members by each church launching a program to mold young individuals into respectable and decent young adults. From the participants of such exercise, persons could be given handyman jobs, lawn care, window washers, car cleaners, baby/elderly sitters and the list goes on to members of the church whom seeks workers in various areas but didn't know whom individual to trust. During that referendum exercise the NO vote may have won, but how much No voters was back in the web shops the following day. Or do you think only those who spend money in the web shops are those whom voted yes. B.C.C. help your members first, then reach out to society because doing it the other way around, you're not even sure who in your church agree with your choices.

positiveinput says...

"Let the process proceed". So during the time the police ask him his whereabouts during the happening of the incident and he may have stated a totally different location that his presence even (may) be captured on a cctv, the following process is to charged this individual and let the courts follow up on his alibi. Gees that's like hearing there is no coffee in the office, yet still boiling the water and adding sugar.

positiveinput says...

Well if just the Bahamas police has something to do with her disappearance Todd has nothing to worry about wink wink.

positiveinput says...

Thats just it. Why does a judge have to make a note that a footage may exist. Why the police didn't rule out such option before charging this man.

positiveinput says...

No they may not loose students because the pre-school in Centerville that had the child wondering around in the neighboring store didn't nor did the home base one in Carmicheal corners back from the police station where the baby died from SIDS (so they say). However Bahamians are a strange bunch cause although this incident took place without involving the kids, its now the parents may act out. Oh and how come reality doing cash now, I remember standing the long bank lines and taking the pay stub back to the school 12years ago.

On Pair of gunmen rob pre-school

Posted 7 January 2014, 1:16 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I see why Jesus had to come down and walk amidst us. Why is it that the judge must make a note of this individual claiming his whereabouts and that footage from a store could be obtain to verify it. Shouldn't the investigating officer checked this out before charging this man. Whereas time his case comes up do you really expect a CCTV to still have such footage if indeed it do exist. You can't judge a book by its cover, but that man don't look to have a variety of shirts much less guns. However innocent until proven guilty.