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positiveinput says...

No they don't have any solutions even in mind. Look at just a few months when Alvin Smith saw the pile of mess Down Town. Before he do what any individual would who respects their island would and remove it himself, he preferred to monitor it for hours and called the newspapers. Now why waste the taught that these other persons have a solution. Traffic signs are needed to avoid simple accidents (e.g. Blue Hill Road south and the entrance of Golden Gates corner with Lily's Takeaway) instructing motorist to keep left of the road median. Yet crime is expected to have a solution. As one would travel around this island, many simple problems with simple solutions go unsolved (fixed) so don't look for crime to be lowered just yet.

On Police alarm at murder rate

Posted 7 January 2014, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

You are sure right with the music. I went to the Holiday Carnival which I would assume should be family friendly. However whiles walking around with my seven year old, passing one of the rides, the music blasting from its speakers was "tight pu$$y... big d!ck... fu*k this and fu*k that. Police are present on the premises and nothing is being done. Straying of point a bit, besides the officers at the gate of the Carnival, where is the security presence that should be patrolling the grounds if our country is known to be at a high crime level.

Government have became relax in every way so the level in which crime is now one could not expect better. Just look at how long the Junkanoo Parade was over. Still side streets are 'littered with unwanted costumes yet with regards to the large size of the pieces its so easy for the Junkanoo Committee to find the owner (group) it belongs too. Another is that of speed week being over and done with weeks ago, so street markings that was placed for the speed week events (big white solid line on the Western Esplanade) should have been moved long time to avoid confusing motorist (especially tourist) when driving that route. These simple problems that have simple solutions can't be solved yet we expect these relax persons in leadership to be able to solve, fix, or lower our crime situation.

positiveinput says...

Road blocks may slow the transport of arms down but a part of it has to do with the officers on duty actually doing their jobs. Just the other morning while waiting to pick up my mate from work, what should pull up? A white up to date Taurus outfitted with lights and police decals. Correct to assume that was a police vehicle right. Well that vehicle was also waiting to pick up a passenger, whom was not an officer. So for the time in route to Atlantis, while waiting on Atlantis premises then the route taken to drop of its passenger, do you think any other vehicle looked suspicious to those officers whom where suppose to be protecting our streets. SOME police now a days are not professional in no way. Even the guards at Government House can be seen at the gate texting lol.

On Police will use 'severe methods' if necessary

Posted 31 December 2013, 4:07 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...


On 60 people detained after Fox Hill shooting

Posted 30 December 2013, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

lol with the McCartney murder it was eight in - eight out. Just hope with this large amount it don't be sixty in seventy five out. hehehe hahaha persons who were arrested for something total different could say man I was in here for the Fox Hill incident, how come I didn't get released with the rest.

On 60 people detained after Fox Hill shooting

Posted 30 December 2013, 12:24 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

How is it that one of the men the police is asking the public assistance in locating is wearing an electronic ankle brace but cannot be found. The tax payers dollars sure isn't made up of 'cents'. Who is there to question these waste of tax payers monies. That means this individual is out on bail for whatever accusation an the method put in place to reduce prison over-crowding thus reducing funds sent to keep them in prison while monitoring them on the streets make no sense whatsoever.

On 60 people detained after Fox Hill shooting

Posted 30 December 2013, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

It seems like during election time, all the politicians did was got in bed with the big crime bosses. Now that the money set aside to fund such relationship (campaigning money) by means of giving various jobs (road clean up etc) has ran out, the criminals that once were in bed sleeping are now wide awake and doing the only thing they know best in doing.

On Armed robberies over weekend

Posted 24 December 2013, 2:28 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

The government may have spent $50,000 less, but at the same time I am sure they didn't gain $1 more. To have to rent 150 porta-potties reflects the turn out of individuals expected on Bay Street. Whereas it is certain that there are not 75 male and 75 female bathroom stalls in the Stadium (total 150 stalls). Now with mentioning saving to not rent the potties, lets remember to include the fee to keep the restrooms clean and stocked during the event and the overall cleaning after. Extra bleachers, for what, when the bleachers are already put in place weeks prior for the annual Boxing Day and New Years Parade. Also with the bleachers which are paid to be seated on (not 300 seats free), a means of generating profit for something that was purchased years ago has now been erased. Or are the bleachers dug up out the ground every ending of the year. Need it be mention that the excitement and dancing associated with Junkanoo, the bleachers can withstand. Could we say the same thing for the Stadium furniture? So lets minus that repair cost from the so call profit. Another thing, who the hell wants to experience Junkanoo 50+ feet away from the parade. Gee its like watching a 3D movie without the required glasses.

Once again a part of the Bahamian Culture is up for sale but if you look at the empty seats in the photo one will see that Bahamians are not selling out. By the way, since safety is the key for the venue change, pray tell where is Boxing Day and New Years Parade going to be held now that Bay Street has been deemed unsafe. Those two parades are mega to that of Jr. Junkanoo, so lets see the safety measures with those.

On Junior Junkanoo stadium move 'saved $50,000'

Posted 20 December 2013, 3:22 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Why don't the government properly use the N.I.B. system. Have it that your picture is attached to your N.I.B. profile. Whereas in a traffic stop such as that of the Immigration or a police (road block or traffic accident), one would only need to remember their N.I.B. number which to the official when entered into their computer system which an on site vehicle is outfitted with, would reference to a picture of the individual and other relevant information (address, etc). The proper launch of this same system would also save time in future purposes such as having to obtained a voters card now that everyone who is able to vote is now accounted for. The need to carry around important document would be an option and in the near future could even network with banks when customers are cashing cheques.

On Readers back random ID checks

Posted 19 December 2013, 12:56 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Think about it, which person stealing wheels, especially of a government vehicle would carefully place new building blocks under the car. However I sure will play that plate number lol. Good hoax.

On Permanent Secretary's car stripped of tyres

Posted 18 December 2013, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal