Comment history

positiveinput says...

Junkanoo is not a sit down event. Junkanoo is an event that people when they feel the music, stand to their feet and dance. Imagine when people do 'buy into it' the destruction it would cost to, at that time, the furniture to a fairly new stadium. Everything Bahamian is being sold, and that's the bottom line of this change of venue. "A secure environment" that was easy to control. Yes it would be, however he failed to mention at what price. I'm sure the stadium's doors weren't wide open with no cover charge to enter. Just from the picture above you could see the turn out was mild. The feeling of the goat skin drums pounding against your chest as they pass a few feet from the spectators and the horns sweetly piercing your eardrums is the true expectation of junkanoo 'music'. The ambience of the street lights against the multi-colored costumes brings each piece to life, not ???watt stadium light bulbs. The same way something new persons must buy into it is the same way something new people may NOT buy into it.

I remember about fourteen years ago at that same venue was what people called the tracks, where person would dress up and come out in large numbers just to gather amongst themselves and now-and-then have "car challenges". Presently, isn't there a "secure environment" that is easier to control. However, has the people buy into it????

Again Junkanoo is not a sit down event and with this venue change will soon be like Goombay. Just a memory for the older citizens.

positiveinput says...

Well if you look at it from the angle that a lot of matters are not being solved, then crime is reducing, however unsolved mysteries are increasing.

On Shock at police 'denial over gang rapes'

Posted 12 December 2013, 9:47 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Didn't a blogger post a license plate number? Don't we have a Road Traffic Department? I guess the police are waiting for the vehicle to be repaired before they do a search into the information that was given.

positiveinput says...

Remember when the gentleman was shot by the police on the family island. The only way it was mention was because it was recorded on video and sent to a news media. Otherwise the police spokesperson 'claimed' that they had no knowledge of a police shooting. So imagine the incidents that have no video proof.

On Shock at police 'denial over gang rapes'

Posted 12 December 2013, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Better yet give them 2 million and its ok with me cause to give the contract to a Bahamian, all will happen is the equipment is not maintain or valuable footage missing when 'Auntie Tidda' son is captured on the camera doing some criminal act.

positiveinput says...

lol like dude you still gone running on with that after we done say don't mention nothing.

positiveinput says...

Which witness is correct? The witness stating the vehicle was a ford SUV or the witness stating it was a silver Honda #2694777. Because of the nature of this accident, Road Traffic should have already posted the name of the registered owner of the accord if so.

positiveinput says...

One has to laugh at some requirements. Just the other day I went to cash a check using my passport as identification. The teller then asked if I had an account with the bank, which I replied no, so she said I would need an additional identification to accompany the passport like a N.I.B. card or drivers license. Question, wouldn't the passport had been used to acquire any other documents and how is the N.I.B. card useful with no picture???

On Motorists stopped by Immigration road blocks

Posted 12 December 2013, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Why don't the government make it mandatory for each individual in the Bahamas to obtain an N.I.B number which when obtaining, their photo and finger print is taken an logged into a governments computer bank. By doing this upgrade a large percentage of problems could be easily addressed.
1. No need to travel with a document that could easily be a fraud because just from giving your N.I.B number, your picture and name would pop up.

2. In the cases where the government is owed outstanding monies (traffic tickets, etc), individuals can easily be tracked down and not just detecting illegal immigrants.

and the list goes on what other problems could be fixed instead of introducing other options for just a trial basis

On Motorists stopped by Immigration road blocks

Posted 11 December 2013, 8:34 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Also what about situations where those in authority turn a blind eye until something tragic happens. By saying that, year after year individuals acquire a spot on the R. M. Bailey park to sell their goods. Don't get me wrong in thinking that I'm against a person making a living. However, did anyone ever stop and think with the stalls so close to the road it creates a road hazard when shoppers spill over the sidewalk onto the streets when shopping, or when motorist stop directly in traffic to inquire about goods for sale. Why not let the stalls be set up more on the interior of the park to allow shoppers to be out of the way of traffic