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positiveinput says...

sad thing is a lawyer WILL represent him


Posted 11 December 2013, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

What jail is suppose to be, a carnival ride 'more people could get a taste of jail. He got his break being out on bail and he had sufficient time to either prove it was a mistake, or jail is where he wanted to be. Two time offender is a good ticket in, 'cuz' or not. Remember the Key West Street incident when one guy got KILLED while he and another was just handling a gun. I'm sure they didn't had the weapon for the intent of what it did, however it was never reported that the gun was even recovered so unlike your 'cuz' who was a repeat offender, this gun could now be a repeat killer.

On Six years in jail for gun possession

Posted 6 December 2013, 1:48 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Crimes like this existed long time ago so if the government wanted to protect its citizens they would have put in place some way to reduce it from happening long time. Other than Auto Dealers whom have license to buy and sell vehicles, make it mandatory for individuals whom wish to sell vehicles to first acquire 'Bahamas Authorized Ownership Papers' (title papers) for the vehicles they wish to sell. Too much doors for criminals to benefit from are left wide open and all those in authority do is say be careful, gees.

On Police: Car scam targets women

Posted 6 December 2013, 1:24 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I'm no expert but a while back working near where the ferry boats lets of passengers Down Town, I witness the danger that the operator encounter in the safety of the passengers and their vessels being damage because of rough seas. So to imagine the size of a cruise ship being at the mercy of rough seas to be smashing against the port would not have been a good decision. Besides the tug boats not being in good working order, mother nature should have the finger pointed towards her and not the previous government.

positiveinput says...

It may not be much but post a contact number and I will give you something to at least get some grocery. We are our brothers keeper and I pray that your situation is rectified soon. Do not give up, God hears all prays and better WILL come.

positiveinput says...

u left out bishop Randy Frazer. lol

positiveinput says...

I was just thinking, if the national grade average is 'd' and we could talk down on how Haitian students flood the government schools, actually for the Haitian students that is good because how much of us can say we understand Spanish as for English to get a 'd' grade you comprehend it to a level of understanding it. How much of us Bahamians could get a 'd' in Creole or Spanish?

positiveinput says...

(dillet not meeting

positiveinput says...

What ever came out of the two animal lovers who were struck and killed story.

positiveinput says...

Before our officials try to remedy something that needs a plane, and which they had no knowledge was going to take place, why not take a drive on Baillou Hill road near Meeting Street just before you reach Government House. At the peak of the hill is road work being done which to a motorist is in a blind dangerous spot. Why not instruct the road workers to place road cones from below the hill that would gradually guide motorist to merge around the open pits instead of just having caution rails place directly before the work area. For a motorist travelling within the speed limit, because of the construction work being done at the top of the hill (in a blind spot to flowing traffic) its an accident waiting to happen, hopefully not tragic. Secondly if you travel Down Town crossing Rawson Square, for the upcoming festival (I guess) are large spot lights which are blinding to motorist. Just tonight travelling thru the 'Square' its was hard to see a police officer who was directing traffic, so judge a pedestrian who would be crossing the street thinking that with all that light a motorist could easily see them when in fact the big spot light is blinding the motorist vision. Before we worry about tragic events that we had no knowledge would happen, remedy simple problems right on our streets from happening. Safety first I figured it was. When you want to talk about 'irresponsible' make sure the island first is safe before you want the surrounding ocean be safe.