Comment history

positiveinput says...

Very good point -thumbs up- or maybe he would want a close family member be the killer aye.

On Policeman charged with stabbing wife to death

Posted 23 November 2013, 5:56 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Persons don't have respect for the church no matter what. Just yesterday (21/11/2013) at around 8pm a jitney stopped in the middle of the road to let a passenger off on Rocky Pine Road. After a male passenger got of and the bus began moving again, a group of males whom where still on the bus began shouting curse words from the window at three boys who were walking along side the road, (boy we would fu-k you'll up). I figured that was the norm for a jitney, however on reaching the corner an the jitney turned broad-side, visible on the side was 'Mission Baptist Church' (plate #2245). At this point I was like wtf

On Church robbed in broad daylight

Posted 22 November 2013, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Oh yeah, he sounds like a killer lmfao

positiveinput says...

next time you could just go in edit under your post and do it how you notice the mistake quick

On Five quizzed over murder of Kurt McCartney

Posted 19 November 2013, 9:13 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So lets start this discussion. Before this incident, what was her husband classed as - A law abiding citizen, in fact he was a law enforcer. So now imagine every other 'law abiding citizen' having a gun. Complete disaster.

On Police officer held

Posted 18 November 2013, 6:27 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Its funny that like you said two mask men, head shot two females, one being a child at that however when it came to a male they decided to tussle. Your theory hold water but sad to say with a half good lawyer and no weapon, that theory will slowly drip away.

positiveinput says...

There is no difference in the police being on a twelve hour shift than their usual shift because at no time does the police station closes. In a relay race it isnt how long one person carries the 'batoon' but how effective he runs his legs before swiftly handing over. Longer hours would never be the solution, however the swift transition of shifts would be more effective. Now there is still the reality of having the fastest runners on the track if you know what i mean, much more if they are running in the right direction. The same way it doesn't make sense to put a slow runner to run a longer distance is the same way it doesn't make sense to put an officer who cant gather proper evidence to work longer shifts.

positiveinput says...

lol be nice

On Pregnant woman denied bail

Posted 5 November 2013, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Reason to believe and just grasping straws is a difference. In an earlier news report it was mentioned that security footage had image of two females in the decease vehicle and there was mention of an individual with dread locks. So for the police to obtain an extra five individuals and no charges were made, it seems like the Investigating Officer needs to sit next to Ortland Bodie because he to has unreliable sources. Probably non of the two males didn't even had 'locks'. Oh Oh Oh, lets think like those whom commented on Bodie's actions. How about wanting the investigating officer be fired from his job for obtaining false information, or in this case information the charges cannot be made upon.

positiveinput says...

Yet eight persons were detained and the authorities were trying to get the courts to extend their length of detention. Like you said this isn't the movies so how are these persons suppose to continue their daily lives with the majority of the simple-minded persons (co-workers, neighbors) sip-sipping, "See who was locked up for the McCartney murder". If you shuffle your points around and start with no hard evidence, then eight persons didn't have to be detained and now have their name stained.