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positiveinput says...

Ok I'm putting myself in the shoes of the individuals he stole from and still my views towards him providing information that could assist in the safety of a love one is the same. If I was a parent of a child attending that school, on finding out the information was untrue, I would have been frustrated, but if that same person said a similar statement a week later, because I love and cherish the life of my child, call it what you like but I would again take it serious. Year after year many of us spend our last penny preparing for a storm and luckily our valuables (homes) go untouched. Do we call the weather man a bull shitter or time after time we take the necessary precautions. Do the math, a house could be rebuild or damage repaired but a life when taken - lost forever. So, although frustrating and a bit time consuming, isn't your child or love one safety worth it? Or better example, don't you think the man who contracted the flesh eating bacteria in Andros wished someone had made a false statement?

On Bodie sorry for mistake on air

Posted 1 November 2013, 4:06 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Come on people, Mr. Bodie was wrongly informed, whereas he prompted individuals to collect their kids for SAFETY reasons. Where is the wrong there. If it had been an individual called the same mention school with a bomb scare wouldn't the school be evacuated. Its clear Mr. Bodie isn't top choice radio personality by you guys but however what he did was only in the best interest of students and staff. Then you mention that he is a thief, so what, if he is relaying a message that is in the good interest of individuals safety, where is his past doings relevant?

On Bodie sorry for mistake on air

Posted 31 October 2013, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

understood buddy

positiveinput says...

@ bismark. If it is so that that individual was tricked, I could believe it. My spouse and I have a matter now where the police ASK us to come down to the station to give our side of a CIVIL matter. However we left the station with a charge, on police bail with a court date. Fortunately I am not the average 'uneducated' one. I have the resources to obtain legal assistance in exposing the police force for the bullshit they are doing to the average citizens, abusing their powers. Yet they wonder why crime is out of hand and a vast percentage of the public choose not to give assistance when able to.

positiveinput says...

Criminals have to run circles around the system because actually the Bahamas has no system. Individuals have the free will to sell a vehicle with no need of having proper papers other than typing up a Bill Of Sale and giving the government a 25cent stamp purchase to make it a legal document. What jokers.

On Four to face court over car thefts

Posted 24 October 2013, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Even down to the officials of this industry should be ashamed. How is it that this creature has been hit by a automobile, clearly from the picture injured, yet still has equipment attached to him. When a human is injured as simple as his/her clothing is cut away so why is the horse gear still attached? Seems like nobody is concern for these animals wellbeing.

On Surrey horse struck by car and injured

Posted 22 October 2013, 10:46 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

How would increasing the work time for the officers decrease crime when all is happening is the same slack officers have a longer time to practice their slackness. The other day I called 911 when leaving the P.I. bridge and was put on hold. Still being on hold I reached the Wulf Road Police Station, where I just reported the incident there.

positiveinput says...

@ theobjectivevoice "I wish people would stop beaing up on the police as if they are the enemy here..." Only ThisisOurs and myself spoke in reference to the police and if you could of decode our simple comments you would notice that we want the police to be more professional. Notice ThisisOurs comment, "Put that same energy into learning how not to get cases thrown out of court." Do you really think that post is good for any criminal. Its clear that reading comprehension is your enemy (TheObjectivevoice). Besides, your theory on how to stay out the cell is totally wrong because there are individuals whom did non of the above you mention, yet still have court cases.


Posted 21 October 2013, 8:17 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

This the Minority Report seems like cause December even hasn't began. lol As for the police and their actions. What is the need to have the individual all ruffed up for? He isn't even putting up a struggle. Let the courts do its job.


Posted 19 October 2013, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I must agree with you thisisours, the commute is much better. Yes there may be traffic on the road but it flows much better. As for the light switching 5-10 seconds; I don't know how they work over here but if the light sensor doesn't detect a vehicle then that would result in the short period the light stays on green. Either the lead car on the light have stopped beyond the sensor or before it if that is the case. So the stop light is not registering that there is traffic awaiting.

On Nottage says he was wrong by nearly $4m

Posted 9 October 2013, 7:03 a.m. Suggest removal