Comment history

positiveinput says...

So this High Tech Crime Unit was not around when the pictures of the lady who was chopped to pieces and pictures ended up on face book aye. How come nothing came out of that because I'm most certain that was grossly indecent.

positiveinput says...

@ henny. It isn't they're not doing their job because they are still being paid. Its they're not doing their job properly. Or better yet, they don't know how to do their job. Just the other day the Prosecution Offices called my phone in the evening time, then first thing in the morning. Their reason being was that they were alerting me that a person I had signed bail for was to appear in court that morning. However, not getting in contact with me unprofessionally explain to the person whom answered my home phone what they were calling for, as if they had any knowledge (proof) of whom they were talking to. Long story short, the officer gladly threatened that if the person I had signed the bail for didn't show up in court I would have to pay the cash. However the date given to the accused that I had signed for had already gone. The accused had appeared to court the day stated on the bail however there was no file for him. The time the prosecution office took calling me they could have had files for court ready. But they decided to allow a person whose bail time had exceeded to walk form court, now with no bail coverage yet harassing the last person o have signed it.

On Jury directed to find wife not guilty

Posted 6 October 2013, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Before the police were on the 12 hour shifts, wouldn't it be that when the first shift was over, the shift relieving the prior had a continuous flow. Orrrrr when the first shift was over, before the second shift started, the police stations would shut down/close and emergency calls would go unanswered for several hours/or even minutes until the relieving shift come on. 12 hours shifts, because the police officers are human-beings is just causing those individual to have less personal time to spend with their loves ones, do personal shopping/runs and as it has to do with the work clock, in some instances work output is less efficient because the officers are tired.

positiveinput says...

So are these numbers emergency numbers meaning you could call them even if you don't have credit on your cell phone.

positiveinput says...

Boy anyone remember those old talking beepers. You use to get your messages immediately. However out with the old and in with the new aye.

On BTC blames 'pigeon hunters' for disruption

Posted 2 October 2013, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

u mean stupidman lol


Posted 1 October 2013, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

@ rory. I guess if your significant other text you they are going out to fck someone else there should be no problem because according to you that's just a typed word which are not part of the English language. Your level of stupidity is so high you probably stole the worlds supply of stupid, used it up and joined the line again thinking there would be more. Empty barrels make the most noise so from now on I will allow you to let your peanut for a brain rattle in your barrel of a head.


Posted 1 October 2013, 8:32 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

The words I listed according to the dictionary are 'meaningless words, however considered vulgar'. However, if you dont class them to be swear words especially the 'f' one, stand next to an officer an freely use it.


Posted 1 October 2013, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

@ rory. Like you said pick a side. Your post that was made up using the word or should I say letters 'fcking' and 'fck' clearly is use for the words ' f u c k i n g' and 'f u c k'. Notice my creative way in using such words yet you know what I mean. Those are the fowl words. Then again the verbal abuse you tend to pour out of your keyboard adds to the creative way you deliver your fowl quotes. For the rest of the bloggers I'm sorry for by making a point to rory having to fully spell out certain words. You're (rory) quick to call people pot head, etc yet can't even remember words you yourself posted. What does that make you? I support you fully with the zero tolerance to crime but the way you execute your message explains why in instances with police brutality how it occurs. Some officers really want a crime free society, yet the way they execute their duties makes them no better than the criminals, causing other members of society to remain silent towards the cause.


Posted 1 October 2013, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

@ rory. I must say you strongly dislike criminals in every way shape and form, which for a better Bahamas, your zero tolerance is good. However all of the verbal abuse puts you in which category????? Like you stated indirectly criminals come in all shapes as sizes (running the red light etc). However using fowl language especially in a public forum makes you one also. Now, lets talk. Why are you so enraged against 'dope' smokers. Did someone from your family used it and life was destroyed? Or did someone who used it from your family destroyed your life (molest you as a child) lmfao, and now you are bitter with the world. Come on buddy talk to us. From the amount of replies you are getting, you know someone is listening. lol Ges your first comment was two days ago, yet you still checking on what others post. Find facebook bro and update your profile all you want or get followed or poke there. Everyone is entitle to make a comment. Yours alone is not to be the final say/post.


Posted 1 October 2013, 5:15 a.m. Suggest removal