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positiveinput says...

Whether he cut the grass too low or not the point still remains that he made an effort to clean up the park. And seeing that you want to be a jack, notice his machine frame is not touching the ground, so by no way is he cutting the grass too low. Great job Mr. Chipman, show them how its done. People were complaining about stray dogs, yet rats are taking over and recently have anyone else notice the amount of flies that are now around. Not to mention the mass take over of millipedes. Ever since election this country is decaying and it literally shows.

On MP leads clean-up crew

Posted 1 October 2013, 4:45 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Also within this response time, did this include the fire truck stopping for water, or do they remain full from last use.

positiveinput says...

Again fire trucks responded within six minutes does not say what time from responding they actually **arrived** on the scene. From the dispatcher gave the call that there was a fire at any location, no way 'scientifically' could fire crew mount onto their engine (fire truck), following directions to the fire, set up their hoses, and have water or whatever fire retarding agent gushing on a blaze within six minutes. Unless... this fire was staged and the firefighters were on location just awaiting for show time. Yes go ahead and do your investigation into how the fire started because that is important for future individuals to avoid a similar disaster, but at the same time don't sweep under the rug the anchor leg of this relay event. The response time - the time the fire station got the call, is not the same as the arrival time - the time the fire crew reached the burning structure and began to extinguish the blaze.

positiveinput says...

The victim was taken to hospital where he died of his injuries. Before dying its a possibility he gave some information seeing that he didn't died on the spot. Even so his dying words could have been 'such n such' shot me before his final breathe was taken. However the police to leak such information that the suspect got to say he knew the killer just gave the killer the upper hand in conjuring up his whereabouts that night or skipping town.

positiveinput says...

So that would be basically on the precious metals right? So in the form of taxation and new laws for the government to monitor this industry, couldn't a building be set up to house and monitor such transactions with the merchants paying rent (as the form of tax). Example :- Cash for gold exchanges are made from one government location where the goods being traded can be properly documented in case acquired illegally. After the goods were inspected by government officials, merchants then whom have rented outlet boots for their shops can exchange cash for gold (valuables).

On Cash for Gold concerns over legal moves

Posted 25 September 2013, 8:28 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

While noticing cords running across streets, etc, what was done, nothing, so why mention it now.? Why not mention the number of fire stations without a fire truck station at it. What was those garage built onto the police station for? Recipes for disaster are all over this island, and many officials like the one proudly announce in the article above go without being fixed. Just look for example the road work being done near the old Road Traffic Station on Bay Street. Motorist travelling along that road making the required speed limit at the last split second would be shocked to see an abrupt big open ditch with three options to do. (1) swerve right and hope there is no traffic coming from that lane (2) slam brakes and hope you stop in time without running into the ditch or (3) swerve left off the road a destroy the undercarriage of your vehicle. However the outcome, believe the report from the officials to be "We are determining if speed was a factor".

positiveinput says...

When you shut down the cash for gold stores, what happens next? (1) The operators who were mixed up In shady business go underground. (2) Their payouts become even less now because the industry is being squeezed (3) criminals now have to execute even more criminal activity to reach their desired quota . On the other hand if the government tax and place certain laws in place, revenue could be collected and with proper monitoring of existing operators, crime decrease.

On Cash for Gold concerns over legal moves

Posted 24 September 2013, 11:18 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Its funny that the government wants to clean up the public transportation yet failed to erect as simple as proper bus stops. How do you expect to enforce rules/laws, yet leaving doors wide open for failure.

positiveinput says...

Us as Bahamians normally throw any chance of winning a lawsuit out of the window. As with the passenger who spoke out, all she wanted was someone to tell her 'sorry or something', whereas the other passenger probably gladly bent their wrist to accept the Wendy's voucher. They have decrease any chance of a lawsuit accepting anything out of the norm from the airline.

On Airline passenger tells of moment door flew open

Posted 24 September 2013, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Despite the response time reported, what is the purpose of those high rise garage at most police stations. Does a fire truck 'suppose' to be stationed at those locations? I could recall a few months back a vehicle burnt to the ground directly in front of the Carmcheal Road Police Station. That there was to be an eye opener however, smt. Oh, and looking for the correct spelling of 'Carmicheal' in the phone book there is a number for the Carmicheal Road Fire Station. At that particular station one could never meet a fire truck station there, instead down to a tractor trailer could of been seen being washed in the fire trucks slot. Yeah the response time may have been quick but the question is was it quick enough and could it have been even quicker if trucks were stationed throughout the island.

Now to report the response time of six minutes means exactly what? On getting the call to the fire station dispatch, fire crew radioed back, 'ok we going' or did they arrived in six minutes with hoses gushing water. Response time and arrival time has two totally different meanings. The public needs to know the arrival time after responding to the call. People are loosing their lives because of the bull crap that is called proper or standard procedure 'the bahamian way'. (notice the lower case 'b', that how deep in the gutter we are being pushed).