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positiveinput says...

For an individual to enter a bank pretending to be a customer we could conclude that he had no mask. So with the security cameras in a BANK, the police needs to just do proper detective work.

On Bank robbed by lone gunman

Posted 17 September 2013, 7:17 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

The same way he is saying it is not unusual to keep the medal with him, is the same way so called friends or persons who know him knows the same trend. He should of protected his medal not only because of the price tag attached to it but because it is in memory or his sister. Just for that reason if that was a bottle cap I had dedicated to my deceased sister, I would of had that on the inside of my clothing around my neck hanging against my heart at all times. Sorry to hear your lost, not because of the price value, but because what it symbolizes, its like loosing your sister all over again. Hope you recover it soon, don't give up faith, just pray bro.

On Stolen from car parked in Florida

Posted 13 September 2013, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

You left this door open so here goes. Your example proves how most police thinks in the Bahamas. When a 'chicken' goes missing, all happens is a known criminal is picked up. However being in procession of feathers belonging to a 'goose', the criminal is now able to take the legal system for a ride because evidence found is not relevant to the crime committed. Chicken missing + fresh feathers of a cooked goose = not a chicken thief

positiveinput says...

Is the need for jobs really the core of this problem, or is it that persons no longer see the long arm of the law being a source of resolution to existing problems. Yes there are instances where persons are stealing and robbing as a means of making money, however cases such as above seems to show the disgust individuals have in our police force and the legal system.

positiveinput says...

When noticing the rate of guns in the hands of good citizens, notice also the gun shops are near by for the citizens to obtain them. By that being said gun shops providing various guns (hand guns/high powered guns) are not in the Bahamas. If any government of the Bahamas wanted to do something with illegal weapons coming into the country, when building the boat port on Arawak Cay, a large x-ray machine would have been in the budget. Officials could hike the import price on tire dealers with the excuse of disposal fee yet to hell with the problem of illegal guns. If smuggling guns or money from drugs was any persons interest an investment of purchasing a wreck car just to use as a suitcase for transit into the country is most affordable or any other bulky sizable object, because again the government wants to just tax the import of goods without having proper tools put in place to assure the safety of us the citizens from the danger some citizens would bring into our land.

positiveinput says...

I must agree with you 'Thisisours' because if we follow what paul_vincent_zecchino says, with the "bad apples" we have already in official positions what will happen then when a shipment of weapons go "missing". Gun runners wouldn't have to no longer smuggle them into the country. Besides that with the criminals knowing the possibility of a citizen processing a weapon is greater, their mentality would increase to shoot first then ask questions later (the criminal that is). Homes of 'law abiding citizens' would just have one more commodity to be broken into for. Speaking about law abiding citizens, ever wondered the individuals found drinking and driving, speeding, assaulting, robbery, theft, and the list goes on, where they once came from. Yep you guessed it, the barrel of law abiding citizens. More guns = even more crime. Its funny how you people take these studies from anyone with 'doctor', 'professor', or some other to follow step by step, yet simple instructions by Jehovah God you over looked.

positiveinput says...

In the first two sentences it states that the men are believed to be connected, yet in the last paragraph a statement is made 'in particular to parents and siblings of these criminals'. Wtf, its innocent until proven guilty. Recently I found myself with a bullsh!t charge having to waste my time around the court. This country's police force is slowly being flushed down the toilet which in return has crime out of hand. No one respects the law because the law doesn't respects itself. Being around the courts, rules are in placed that shirts must be tucked in trousers, however simple as that plain clothes officers do not abide by such a simple rule. Now that society has turn this little island into the wild wild west as a result of watching the example of our very own R.B.P.F. bad apples, persons want to cry out now. lol this is suppose to be a Christian nation, however one must wonder which god many are serving.


Posted 4 September 2013, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Watching the footage all that police had to do was call for back-up. That clearly was a simple struggle because the individual did not want to be placed under arrest for whatever reason. However that officer life was not in fear. There is a big difference with a person struggling to get away vs attacking you. Then an officer could discharge three rounds from his service weapon, yet in the news footage the police spokes person said they had no knowledge of the incident. wow cheapest the public turn a blind eye cause the police force was doing the same.

positiveinput says...

or the by-standers may have notice that the police was abusing his powers from the start

positiveinput says...

n we wonder y with other matters official information is leaked, check out 'George' in the top left


Posted 8 August 2013, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal