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positiveinput says...

@ banker - Would you stop going over Paradise Island because of what happened? Unfortunately bad things (crime) is going to take place as seen from the Bible Days. So to discourage visitors from coming would not even be the solution. Like abacogrouper stated when is crime going to be taken serious along with its punishment.


Posted 7 August 2013, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

242smt I'm assuming stands for 242 suck my teeth. Would it be fair to discourage any Bahamian wanting to visit a Wal Mart seeing that one of our teenagers went missing from one of their locations.


Posted 7 August 2013, 4:19 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

While on the topic of safety, I was out Fish Fry on Monday and while walking along the side walk just east of the Police Station there are missing poles along the side walk. With the poles being absent four bolts that anchor the poles are expose which to an unaware pedestrian could cause them trip. God be with you if that should happen, bolts from another missing pole don't catch your fall (if you know what I mean). With that being an area frequent with tourist and heavy pedestrians especially on the weekend night, why is there such a dangerous hazard. Who is responsible for safety there or is it the ministry responsible will just post a sympathy comment?

positiveinput says...

The police cyber department needs to turn its attention to facebook under 'tings 4 sale' profile. There they have posted a nude picture of a young girl claiming that she is a seventh grader of a particular government school with her private parts exposed. Although the face is not visible, one person even post a name probably that of the nude individual. The police assistance is urgently needed.

On Teenager sneaks out of station

Posted 6 August 2013, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

as with the 17yr old murder story

positiveinput says...

How do you rent a shack, trailer or even box knowing for living purpose without running water. Isn't that the main thing one needs for an occupancy requirement.

positiveinput says...

Just asking, but do you think the newspaper was a wise choice to place this survey? Besides those questioned to file this report, do you think that that is the total number of individuals out of a job and seeking some means of making money? Look at the headline - Sex Workers: Selling Their Bodies For $500 A Week In Struggle To Survive. In todays economy with $500 a week, who is struggling? I bet you if you carry out this survey two weeks from now your numbers will have gone up tremendously. All this report is to the (as described above) school dropouts, unskilled, unemployed but to make $500 a week, not unemployable is a job application. There is a time and place for everything, and sadly the newspaper was not the place for this. BUYDC might as well go out and tell a bunch of homeless and hungry individuals, "You know such and such food store back door cannot lock and its known that three homeless people does go in there for grocey." Watch and see what will happen next. With persons you claim only know how to make bad decisions, what do you think their conclusion to this report is sex = $500 = i'll do it

positiveinput says...

Even the so call Pastor shows he has no respect for this country. How long have he known about these illegal immigrants and stayed shut lipped. Yet now is using the church as a mediator. Like you said ILB they are here illegal and should not receive any service or special care that is awarded to taxpaying citizens. However, being that they are still human beings, basic food and water should be given. As it stands for returning them home, yes they should be but remember, they have been here for who know how long benefiting from 'the fat of our land' and should be put to carry out certain tasks to work of their food, clothing and passage home funding.

positiveinput says...

Whether they hike a ride or not, the fact still remains they're catching a free ride. Let these illegal immigrants work of a small percentage of what they have obtained whilst living in the Bahamas. All that is happening now is that their safe house in the Bahamas has been destroyed, and to invest in other dwellings in our country makes no sense to them. You think the time they were here, they were just twiddling their thumbs? No they were working hard and letting friends/relatives with proper documents Western Union their monies back home where they want to be returned free of charge. Lol, Haitians may play 'stupid' but they're very smart. Now the 'stupid' cap just has another head to fit on, wonder whose? make them work!!!

positiveinput says...

With the last report, how do you search a home, find suspected drugs and make no arrest? Home - means somebody lives there aye, or is the reporter choice of words poor? Cause I don't think our trained police would enter the HOME of someone without them being there.