Comment history

positiveinput says...

There are many task around this island that needs to be done. Notice the use of the word task and not jobs/work. Allow those wanting a free-ride to perform such tasks for about three to four weeks for the exchange of food, water, clothing and a one-way ticket back to their homeland. Example:- schools are in need of major yard work, so open up the gyms under supervision (R.B.D.F. guards) for housing with bathroom access as one option. However to just send those individuals home free of charge after they have spent their money to get here, rape our land of various resources is just out of the question. Or let the church whom is the spokesperson for them receive a special offering to assist. To eat in a fine dining restaurant with no money comes to mind, you will wash the dishes.

positiveinput says...

This island is too small to have such major incidents going unanswered. Still when you ask the questions, those in authority turn a blind eye and deaf ear. And I just really catch myself, the man who dug up the road - mind u a road that isn't open as yet so at the time it was abandon, not even workers were present, didn't get bail due to being a risk to the public. However a teenager could use a firearm against a FIVE (5) year old and not be considered dangerous. wtf I know those individuals with court matters asking please to go before that judge. lol

positiveinput says...

Just charged with grievous harm, I guess he was the owner of the weapon aye. And what ever happen to the person responsible for killing the two animal lovers on the out island, did I miss the update if anyone was charged?

positiveinput says...

If you drive that construction site you dont even see the machine present onn that road that even could do that type of damage. What happen all of a sudden its not needed on the site no more.

positiveinput says...

Wow, if the items were taken from a warehouse, at that quantity its fair to say they were obtained at wholesale prices. So 243 cans at the price of $5.99 (using the price of same volume can I purchase from a retail store) is just $1455.57. This company doing some stealing also if they looking for a insurance payout.

On Arrest after 243 cans of bug spray stolen

Posted 18 July 2013, 10:01 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

The disposal of tires is a concern, however what method is put in place to actually ensure that the unwanted items be properly dispose. To place a high tax on such items then the use tire shops still discard them improperly (dump in bushes, etc) still would not be beneficial. To obtain proper tires for one's vehicle is something the Government should be assisting with by lowering import tax on the item. We (The Bahamas) do not make tires, but the safety of our family rides on it every day. Very few persons have the individual ability to dis/mount a tire so the use of the tire shops is not avoidable. This is the point where the Government may approach in its 'Environmental Levy'. Enforce that the disposal of the unwanted tires be monitored for safety. Like seen at a number of tire shops, a Bahamas Waste bin or similar is obtain to ensure that the products are taken to proper disposal areas. At the disposal site, its there the load is charged for disposing (taxed). Tires has no way of assuring life-span when used, so the Government should be encouraging the purchase of new tires by lowering taxing, allowing less tire change and less disposal need.

positiveinput says...

Don't worry about the businesses, politicians or number bosses. Lets just do what we can.

positiveinput says...

"Noting how these communities operate outside of the requirements for proper sanitation." Minister Dorsett, besides the shanty homes, what about the tax payers whom struggle monthly to pay utility bills but some months fall short. In the event that their water is disconnected due to lack of payment (at a point of time funds were not available), wouldn't then the government be aiding in contributing to improper sanitation. Without running water, dishes cannot be washed, home interiors cannot be cleaned (kitchens/bathrooms/floors mopped) persons cannot bathe properly and especially toilets cannot be flushed accordingly. However I am not mentioning this to say give these individuals (tax payers) free service, but with the shanty homes they have free access to government water pumps which are paid for by the tax payers, so why is it the tax payers must have their supply disconnected which could be easier monitored for payment.

On Minister releases shanty towns report

Posted 4 July 2013, 11:05 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...


On School security officer stabbed

Posted 2 July 2013, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I was cleaning out my garage the other day and my six year old daughter was helping me. Even at that age although I had said whatever is on the ground could be thrown in the garbage, she double checked with me items that she considered important to keep. However you can't expect more from scrap yards because the government is not inspecting their operations, so don't be expecting much more from them.

On Landmark statue ‘sold for scrap’

Posted 28 June 2013, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal