Comment history

positiveinput says...

I appreciate the reply and it was well put. Your concern of protecting your family is well understood but its when these individuals are using 'in the name of having a license shotgun' as being the towns deputy.

positiveinput says...

Man stop it could be that the person who borrowed the throne just borrowed that too. Give them a few days it will show back up, lol.

On Landmark statue goes missing

Posted 27 June 2013, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

I see why nobody does go to the police with information. Within the article it states that the incident happen at a residence behind the Prince Charles Shopping Center, then it went on to say, he was at home readying the vehicle to come and get us. If this was just a random attempted robbery, knowing who was attacked, you just gave (if there are) criminals directions to this mans home who may want to really harm him or his family. Yet you expect normal citizens to confide in the police?

On DPM: No one safe

Posted 26 June 2013, 11:21 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Question, how you said the Security Guard was filmed discharging his shotgun, isn't the only purpose a shotgun is given a license for is hunting? If so why is he firing it off on property not plotted out as hunting grounds? The other day (months back) a security guard shot and kill a man who was robbing a Chinese Store. When since security guards carry weapons unless Armor Trucks Personnel. One could understand protecting your personal property to such extent, but to carry a weapon which sole purpose was for hunting to work is more or less a 'white collar' murderer. These security guards are no different than the normal murderers because technically they have already pre-meditate what their purpose of owning a hunting weapon is. Oh yeah, shout out to Officer Dibbels - lmfao, your came runner up to the officer whom fell asleep on watch at the hospital a got the handcuff keys stolen.

positiveinput says...

Then after they have been shut down what happens next. Stop giving the authorities the easy way out that would only result in the unemployment rate going up. Oversee this industry properly and receive the benefits of it. Look at as simple as the Custom Officers. Ever notice that after you have filled out the proper papers, an Officer still inspects (search through) your goods. Anything not inspected never achieves what is expected. Just because something goes wrong, to shut down a whole industry is not the solution. We all know the problem is in no way the merchants are being monitored, so a simple fix would be to monitor them.

On 'Why suggest ban with no consultation?'

Posted 23 June 2013, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

If you weren't thinking backwards like a crawfish move then looking forward you would have seen the solution is rite in front of you. With the presence of the authorities, that criminal was caught. So regulate the industry in that the barter of these goods are overseen properly. However if you shut down this ijdustry, the exchange would go totally underground, then who would the authorities go to when merchants could then say well you know I was shut down so I dont even bother with that no more. Think wisely Bahamians.

On 'Why suggest ban with no consultation?'

Posted 22 June 2013, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Do you think if no traffic police were visible on the roads motorist all would abide by the traffic rules that are written down in books? Hell no, so why think if you just leave an industry to run itself, every thing will be done by the books. Stop trying to fine the easy way out cause take it from me, to shut down this industry, it would only go underground creating a real problem. Merchants whom knowingly purchase stolen goods would go down on their cash payouts making criminals obtaining valuables increase their actions to keep their pockets comfortable. The best solution to this problem is to oversee the actions of this industry when it comes to obtaining used goods. To do this the government will create new jobs, and obtain more profit from the taxing fees.

On 'Why suggest ban with no consultation?'

Posted 21 June 2013, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

A video of such is a bunch of bull sh!t. No part of that video showed any guard face to be identified as a Bahamian much more gave any supporting fact that it was indeed film within The Bahamas or even our Detention Center. For me to believe that film is genuine, I might as well believe that the big Hollywood pictures deplicting the U. S. White House was actually taken in the actual White House.

On US representatives to probe abuse claim

Posted 20 June 2013, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Again to close these strores, you just stated that operations are now being carried out from homes so all the closure will result in is more underground shops being opened, cash pay out drop causing the need to acquire the goods increase. If you think you have a problem now, think again. All this indusrty needs is proper overseeing that will curb crime and increase government profit. Anyone wanting a real resolution to this matter could feel free to post a P.O. Box to receive more info.

positiveinput says...

Whether one voted or never voted before, we all will feel the effect from a decision as such. Rather than increasing taxes that in return will result in the consumer ending up with the final load, what is needed is the government to create new profit making work. Work that is, not jobs. As it stands today, each year schools are releasing individuals into the work world. These persons are meeting up with others completing college or those whom never found a job from the previous year not to mention those whom were laid off. Unless big investors intend to have projects such as Bahamar ready for operation each year to accommodate mass hiring, existing employers could never take on the percentage of unemployed persons looking for a job.

If the government was to say invest in a locally own amusement park, the facility itself would make money (a profit) in return the jobs that would be made available has its own source of funding for payroll/maintainance. Profit making work is needed - creating new jobs - reducing unemployment - raising comsumer spending - reducing cost of living.