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positiveinput says...

So seeing that you know that the cash for gold merchants are not living up to their responsibilities put in place official overseers for these merchants. Ever wonder why there are guards at the prison.

positiveinput says...

How about including the police vehicles also. If not all, just those intended for the use of transporting suspects. Why have the stations equipt if the suspects may never make it hint hint.

positiveinput says...

So my car was stolen before, whats the solution, close all body work shops that are not dealers. Regulate an industry and see how better it would be. Remember back in the days when your home would be broken in just to have your satellite box card stolen. Not anymore, because the cards are now regulated to trace back to its owner. Stop finding the easy way out, regulate - create jobs - and count your profits.

On Minister wants an end to cash for gold

Posted 19 June 2013, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Close them for what. Do your job and govern. A suggestion was given from long time for the government to watch over these cash for gold and scrap metal businesses.

Cash for gold - The government, locate a building and let the gold merchants interested in the exchange of scrap gold acquire a booth within the building. Government officials are the first to inspect all the goods entering the buildings for value and to assure that it is not stolen goods. After inspection, the identified owner can now choose which agent they perfer to deal with and after the transaction is completed each agent at the end of a given period must disclose to the officials their quantity intake. It is then goods obtain can be transported to the agents store of business for resale. When gold is melted down its unable to be traced so using this means of acquiring scrap gold the government can keep a tab on any stores inventory.

Scrap metal - The government place officials at each scrap metal location. Proper identification is needed when cashing in any metal. After the government official has inspected goods obtain, with the completion of contains to be filled completed, the official lock and official sticker seal the container for transport to the shipyard.

Bahamians do only what is inspected, not what is expected, so now because they need to have overseers it must come with a fee. Cash for gold agents who are interested in the scrap gold exchange must acquire (rent) a booth at the government base location. Any acquiring of goods at their store would be illegal and could result in their entire stock being confiscated. With the scrap metal merchants, they are required to deduct 5% or 'so' off the payment to the individual cashing in scrap metal which would be the government operation tax.

Notice how new jobs can be created with a means of acquiring their own funding rather than just relying on the over strained public treasury.

On Minister wants an end to cash for gold

Posted 19 June 2013, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

If a person is spending monies to receive a service that is no longer a privilege, they in fact have a right to receice the service. Also it is stated that the 'sexual dance' was video taped so why cancel the entire ceremony instead of just excluding those involved on the film from being participants. Again remember that the students paid for various services so its not like the school was just throwing this 'free party' and now that a few may have piss of those in authority to hell with it the whole function is cancelled.

Or is it someone on the graduation board is a businessman and tried to used this event as a profitable venture but after little or no profit being foreseen its best to use the actions of the students as a crop out.

On Parents to sue over cancelled graduation

Posted 19 June 2013, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Thats the biggest joke I have ever read. For all we know the officer could have done the shooting. Where again did he pull this pistol from in front of witnesses, his pocket. lol In his testimony were was the other officer who was with him in cocktails yard.

On Jury hears evidence of accused holding gun

Posted 19 June 2013, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

With the use tire issue, I suggest that the government not allow such shops to operate. The Bahamas does not make tires, therefore such items should be discounted greatly with import duty or better yet, be duty free. Reason being is that the life-span of a new tire, much less a used tire cannot be determine. To add insult to injury, the use tire shops has no staff educated in mounting a used tire. All the guys there know to do is replace a totally worn tire with a partially worn tire, then inflate it to whatever pressure they desire. That is totally wrong and unsafe. Ever notice two out of every ten cars that drive in front of you seems to be wobbling. That is because a used tire remaining life span could never be estimated. Adding to that mounting and over OR under inflating the tire adds to it being unsafe. These tires are known to run hot from normal driving and twisting (making your vehicle wobble), peeling (flapping against your vehicle causing damage) and in some cases blowing out (bursting unexpectedly) while driving. Now imagine one day during a family outing you experience such action, resulting in your vehicle loosing control and crashing. Yet, you consider number houses to harm a family more?

On Dealer 'wiped out' by auto duty changes

Posted 18 June 2013, 9:14 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Increasing the duty rates on importing vehicles was never a good idea. Reliable transportation will always be needed in a household/company and in some more than one is needed, so to keep the import rated low would have been the best choice. By doing so quantity imported would increase thus resulting in import duty profit increasing over-time. With more vehicles being imported, the import of more fuel, vehicle service parts/accessories and body parts would increase thus further adding to import duty profits. Related to that, The Road Traffic Dept. would see an even greater profit within this same industry. Much can be done to increase the Government's Income Profit. However sad to say those who can make the choices aren't asking or feel to proud to get resolutions from people who can help. Instead they rather get ideas from amongst themselves. Hint hint - ideas come as good or bad, resolutions erases a problem.

Down to crime related problems (auto theft) can easily be decreased along with retrieving outstanding traffic tickets fees, so whenever the related Ministry wishes to get a solution, just send a link (P. O. Box for a fully step-by-step message).

On Dealer 'wiped out' by auto duty changes

Posted 18 June 2013, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Ahh, i agree with you. Now all have to happen is the rest of these criminal minded individuals weapons need to misfire upon them clearing a wide path for the civilise citizens to live in peace and harmony. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

positiveinput says...

Its males like Mr Roberts who give real men a bad name. How the hell you want to beat a woman down for reacting after she clearly told you to remove your arm from off her. Mrs Butler Turner didn't even need to give an apology. Dr. Rollins and her was having a discussion in the House, whereas the House went on break so should have that discussion. There is a time and place for everything but one good thing Mrs Turner, when you play with puppy, puppy lick ya mouth. Funny how no one never finish to say what happen to the puppy next but I'm sure Dr. Rollins could share his view lol.