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positiveinput says...

Wow l just enlarge the photo to see 'george' despite seeing the dumper over full is still attempting to add more to it. These people just good and nasty because common sense with anything is that if it is not used properly there is still no benefit. I could of seen if just a sign was place instructing people to just pile their garbage there, but no a dumpster was placed what any one with a proper functioning brain could see when it is full. I could imagine what you do if there is a trash basket within your house. This just goes to show most Bahamians only do what is inspected and not what is expected of them. Perhaps half of you who crying out this is what happens for voting P.L.P. are the very same ones who did because no one was allowed to stand over you to monitor your actions.

positiveinput says...

Even the newspaper cant itemize crime from just local news. Again let me stress how deeply sorry I am for the lost this family is experiencing, but when these individuals had this weapon from the get go who was crying out or fainting then. When was this community getting together to tell them why they have this gun. This should be looked at as a crime scene not accident. You dont accidently pocess a gun. Sorry to say but at least another innocent person didnt experience the fire from that pipe. Parents, guardians, loves ones and friends now see the importance of not turning a blind eye towards something that they know full well is wrong.

positiveinput says...

Its sad to hear what happen in that an individual has lost his life but isnt this the same area that was outraged when police were fighting criminal elements and had to exchange gun shots. Now its their own residents seemingly playing with a weapon in this case. Watch how you throw stones when your very own house is built of glass. Now this weapon (more than likely a hand gun) cannot be found, so this should not even be rule as an accident. Stop playing with other people lives and treat these people the way they want to be treated, as criminals. Wonder what else this weapon was used to do. By the way what ever happen to the charges that were pending referring to the animal lovers whom were mowed down?

positiveinput says...

552 722 340 400 537

On Foreign exchange call for police officers

Posted 15 June 2013, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

a word to the wise was sufficient see flowers early michigan

positiveinput says...


positiveinput says...

Thats Bahamians for you. However its always better late than never so I pray that your business continues to prosper and thats a very good job that you guys are doing in the effort of keeping our island clean. Keep up the good work and always remember that your blessings come from the Father above. Man could never appreciate, much less give thanks when it is deserved. I may not live in the areas that benefits from your service but you really deserve a pat on the back especially to know it is out of the goodness of your heart that the service is being given. As for those who are criticising, they have no one to blame but themselves if they cant take it upon themselves to discard their rubbish orderly.

positiveinput says...

Is there any proper infurstructure in place to actually monitor these ankle brace accurately? How do they actually work? As it stands I'm sure those ankle brace are just a waste of money. Giving a wide perimeter an individual could possibly be when in fact a location they are accused to be is acutally in the neighbiur hood of where they were. Eg. if a person outfitted with a brace was to be in Kellys at the mall, would his exact location be given or just that he (the brace) was in the area of the mall.

On Government concern over ankle bracelets

Posted 13 June 2013, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

lmao, this why crime out of hand. The criminals could bargain with the system. When the individual was robbed who refund him for his goods stolen? Who gave him back the cash stolen to feed his family that night and to pay off any debts he owed? Where is the weapon used? Still on the streets I'm sure, yet this clown could ask for mercy. Mercy should come in the form of being able to get a job after the fullest strength of the law is experienced. If this individual didnt get caught, what would have happened when his first robbery funds had ran out? Think he would have ask the persons he had robbed to allow him to make right his wrong or continue to carry on his life of crime.

positiveinput says...

To march against crime is a very good thing Mr Moss, but what have you actually brought to the table as a means to solve or help decrease the level of crime. To say that the government has a job to do and stress that more people should have came out and support isnt no type solution in no way. We all know crime is out of hand but with no one offering ideas to decrease it, its as if everyone is yelling snake snake snake but no one has the guts to at least step on the tail to keep it from moving around much more crush its head. This entire island is transforming to become an island of hostile individuals whom have little if any at all respect for others. As simple as being on a stop light the motorist behind you would blow furiously the split second the light changes. You enter a building and greet those who you meet inside and no one speaks. Besides these simple signs that show we are no longer our brothers keeper, those who go to the extent of engaging in serious crimes are not confronted with fearful penalties. From the bible days crime existed and will always exist, however the solution to discourage criminal minds is simply to have stiff penalties and carry them out when necessary.

On Rally held to address crime

Posted 10 June 2013, 9:02 p.m. Suggest removal