Comment history

positiveinput says...

Whenever anyone is a target of crime my heart goes out to them. However, how is it that when a crime is carried out against a U.S. citizen or High Ranking Official, arrests can be made within hours. But when our very own brothers and sisters are being gunned down, car jacked, home invaded, robbed, it seems like nothing is being done.

On US diplomat robbed and assaulted

Posted 10 June 2013, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

We have alot to offer yet perfer to keep it locked away. As simple as turning the grass area with the stage out Fish Fry into a real heritage park could be an easy start. That area is already partially fenced in so to fully enclose it wouldnt take much. Use the cruise ships schedule as an event planner. To access that section of the grounds would require a mere dollar for adults and fifty cents for kids, pay as you enter each time, no re-entry. Strickly Bahamian artist performing live, making it manditory for the local stalls to have their music set to a level to entertain only their guests inside their stalls. Tourist love live music. Now with the money obtain from the gate Bahamian Artist could receive a performance pay, more jobs as grounds men and security are made available not to mention the Fish Fry grounds helping to throw an extra dollar into the public treasury. Oh yeah and have that area bottle free to encourage family group outtings. Dont forget to throw in the steel drums. There are so much events that could be put in place but who to tell them to when everyone just rather sit back and complain about the big cruise ship this the big cruise ship that. I just came back from Orlando and walking the International Drive strip I was so proud to see a resturant called Bahama something, forgot the name, have a larger crowd than their Senior Frogs and other eatery. By the way there was a guy there playing the steel drums, and the crowd was just amazed.

On Tourism 'starving': The shop is bare

Posted 3 June 2013, 11:32 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Like the chokehold, you think thats another 'standard' police training/martial arts technique. lmao :)

positiveinput says...

What ever happen to the person who posted the pictures of the lady that was chopped to pieces and the cutlass used having the words 'thats what cheaters get' marked on it.

positiveinput says...

The officers generally may not have went to work that day with that intention, but Officer Roach sure seem eager to try out his long awaited 'move' (chokehold). Roach himself testified that - he held his arms around Smith's neck to close off his carotid artery... and also testified that he doesn't know how much force he used cause he cannot gauge his own strength. Now by Roach knowing full well what artery he was targeting to shut down, keeping the hold on for the time given 3 - 5 minutes, if he wasn't trying to kill (Jamie Smith) him, he sure was attempting to make him brain dead due to lack of oxygen the the carotid artery is to deliver. Then Officer Roach proudly states that he cannot gauge his own strength, so when he claims he released his grip a few times all he was probably doing is relaxing his 'grip' a little, but because to much pressure was already being applied, even with his grip 'eased', there was no blood flow. That wasn't no standard police training, for sure that particular officer was playing with Jamie Smiths life and in every game someone comes out loosing.

positiveinput says...

So with that being said, what is it that the passengers assumed hit the wing. Just asking, I wasn't onboard.

On Nightmare in the sky

Posted 13 May 2013, 7:36 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Two men and two women in the wee hours of the morning. You dont need an illegal nightclub with that equation to have a good time.

On Victim tried to stop attack on woman

Posted 13 May 2013, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

You're right about the comments not being about the suspect (not criminal, s u s p e c t) trying to escape because my friend the concern is for the lost of human life while in police custody. Besides the officers who are in court for the death of the individual, who else heard him say "I ain gern back to jail". Nobody, or better yet lets ask him what exactly he said - shoots - dead man tell no tale. To read the Tribune's headline story has no relevance to Jamie Smith dying in police custody cause if he was interviewed properly and still alive, that incident would have still happen. Lets just say he (jamie) did in fact said those words and tried to escape custody. Who is to say that his actions wasn't a result of his life being in fear prior by the officers. The officers described him as a brutal beast, but this 'beast' walked around freely. Ever wonder why at a circus the lions and tigers are keeped in cages even during their show. Answer - the trainer knows full-well the nature of a 'beast'. To be allowed in an office in a police station with no type restraints (hand cuff/shackels) one could never have been regarded as 'a beast' Trouble as you put it doesn't care who, what, when, where or why and in this case the trouble seems to be wearing a government uniform.

positiveinput says...

Well they do monitor, but mainly Blue Waters. There you could of find one police car stationed, now just the other night/wee hours of the morning there was two patrol cars along with a small police van. Did I mention that these police vehicles are always PARKED in the road (left lane) at the top of the hill. Just say one night/early morning a motorist is travelling within the speed limit, traffic light is on green and because a government vehicle is parked in the road, an accident occurs, who is at fault? Remember now the patrol cars are parked at the top of the hill which is a blind spot until a motorist travelling reaches the top when its just split seconds left for trying to avoid something carelessly place to endanger one's life.

positiveinput says...

The Queen's rear expensive rabbit had gone missing, so she used her influencial powers and called on the Scottland Yards finest. They carried out their search for weeks and turned up empty handed. She then turn for help from the F.B.I. and after months of searching, nothing. Losing hope The Queen was told by one of her loyal subjects about the Royal Bahamas Police Force whom were contacted and sent out their finest detectives. Arriving at the castle the policemen asked the Queen what was her problem and after being told went directly to the nearby bushes that surrounded the castle. Within a brief moment a loud growl was heard followed by screams of pain. The Queen gasp "oh dear I pray those men are ok and within minutes the officers emerged from the bushes. The Queen asked whats the meaning of bring this beast into my yard. One officer turned to the animal balling his fist and said speak boy. The beast replied in a soft scared voice, "I'm your rabbit maam".